I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Theater Thursday - The Heart of Rock and Roll

We were given complimentary tickets to The Heart of Rock and Roll for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: The Heart of Rock and Roll

Where: James Earl Jones Theatre
             138 W. 48th St.
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 8 and Up

Me -  The Heart of Rock and Roll is about a guy named Bobby who used to dream about being a musician but now dreams about moving up the corporate ladder. When the opportunity to pursue his musical career comes up at the same time as the opportunity to realize his corporate dream, he is faced with a dilemma.  It's a fun show with a breezy plot and a lot of humor. 

A large portion of the show deals with Bobby trying to choose between his old dream and his new one. Another significant struggle is between his career and love when he begins to fall for his boss' daughter. These conflicts bring up bigger themes like forging a path for yourself no matter where you are in life, reconciling who you were with who you are, and the age-old question of following your heart versus following your dreams. Yet, despite scratching the surface of these issues, the show chooses to focus on lighthearted, silly hijinks instead of anything of real substance. There's nothing wrong with a show that's pure fun as not everything has to have a deeper meaning. However, if deeper topics are going to be introduced in a show, it's frustrating when they aren't fully explored. I feel that it would have been better if they balanced the lightheartedness and humor of the show's tone with the emotional resonance that the plot deserved or if the story didn't require more depth to execute in a way that feels satisfying. 

With that being said, this show is still enjoyable. This is largely due to the extremely talented cast especially the leads, Corey Cott and McKenzie Kurtz. Between Corey Cott's charisma and ability to completely embody any character he's playing and McKenzie's incredible instinct for comedy as well as both of their amazing voices, these two absolutely shined. They also had great chemistry. The show is worth seeing for these two alone. Luckily, their star power is complemented by a great supporting cast. Within the supporting cast, two performers particularly stood out: Zoe Jensen, who has a phenomenal voice; and Tommy Bracco, who always steals the show. If you're looking for a show with an emotional impact this is not the one for you, but if you just want to have a fun night, if you love Corey Cott and/or McKenzie Curtz, or if you enjoy the music of Huey Lewis and the News, I would recommend this show.

Mom - The Heart of Rock and Roll is a new show featuring the music of Huey Lewis and the News, but it is not a show about them. Rather a whole new story has been centered around their music. Unfortunately, it is not new enough as much of the story is average and predictable. There are, however, some unique elements of the story which modernize it commendably. They include the agency of its heroine who shows she is more than capable of solving her own problems and some of its hero's choices.

The show is quite fun and an undeniably good time. The characters are quirky and eccentric. The music is lively and pleasant, especially for fans of Huey Lewis and the News. The choreography is unique and original in many ways. Unfortunately, however, in a season full of musicals with great choreography, this show tends to be overlooked except for the much-lauded bubble wrap dance which is just as amazing as it sounds. 

The show's stars, Corey Cott and McKenzie Kurtz, are a delight. He has a warm inviting personality that totally permeates his character  She has an incredible sense of comedic timing that makes her character sparkle. They are joined by a standout ensemble of fellow actors.  This show is a great choice if you're just looking for a good time but not necessarily if you want something deeper or completely unique and different.

And that's our view. For more information about The Heart of Rock and Roll or to purchase tickets, visit heartofrocknrollbway.com

Photo credits: 
All The Heart of Rock and Roll production photos by Matthew Murphy

Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us hereand we will look into the matter.

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