I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, October 11, 2021

Fun Things to Do in New York City

Now that things are getting mopre back to normal. It's great time to visit New York City.  There are so many fun things to do there. Below are some of them. 

Me - Here are five fun things to do New York City.

 1) Go see a show - There is Broadway; there is Off-Broadway, there is Off-Off- Broadway. There are dramas, there are musicals, there are comedies and more there is show for everyone and every taste.

2) Go shopping - New York is probably the best place for shopping ever. They have some of the most famous stores in the world of all different types including Macy's Herald Square and Kleinfields Bridal. All the stores are bigger. A store that may be 2 or 3 floors somewhere else is 4 or 5 or more floors there.

3) Go out to eat - There is every kind of food you can thing of. You can either go out and eat it or have it delivered to you. Some of the food there tastes better than the food you get any place else.

4) Go to Central Park - It is so big and there are so many things to do there. Just about everything you can think of to do in a park, you can find some place in Central Park to do it.

5) Go sightseeing - New York has so many famous sites from Times Square to the Empire State Building to Grand Central Station.  Just about everywhere you go in New York, you can see a historic site.

Mom- Here are five more fun things to do in New York City:

 6) Take a tour - There is every kind of tour you can think of Broadway Tours, Food Tours, Neighborhood tours and more. There are bus tours, boat tours, bike tours, walking tours and more.

 7) Go to a sporting event - There are major sports teams like the Yankees and Mets,  the Knicks and Nets, and the Rangers and Islanders. There are minor league teams too like the Brooklyn Cyclones. For just about any sport you can think of you can find a team in New York.

8) Go to a museum - There are arts museums, there are children's museums, there are specialized museums like the New York City Fire Museum. You can probably find every kind of museum you can think of in New York.

9) Just take  walk or a ride - There are so many places you can go just by walking or you can just walk around. If you don't want to walk there are many other ways to get around including taxis, buses, subways, and even water taxis and ferries.

10) Go to a special event - There is always something special going on. Whether it is a lecture or the circus is in town or a street fair or parade, if there is something you want to do you can do it in New York.

Just remember all theaters and most indoor venues require all guests to be vaccinated and wear a mask, and proof of vaccination will need to be show before you will be allowed to enter the venue.

And that's our view. What do you like to do in New York or what would you like to do in New York?

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