We were not financially compensated for this post. We were given free tickets to the National Constitution Center for review purposes. The opinions expressed here are our own based on our experience at the museum.
Me - The National Constitution Center, wow! It was an interesting museum. They had a lot of interactive exhibits. A lot of them were phones receivers which you could put up to your ear and learn about different things. They had a lot of film clips. They had voting booths. That was my favorite part of the whole museum. When you went in the booth, it randomly chose two Presidents. It gave you each of their views on various issues but didn't tell you which was which. Then, it told you which one's views, you had agreed with more, and you could vote for whichever one of the two you wanted. There was a place where you could try on robes like a Supreme Court Justice and learn about famous cases that were decided by the Supreme Court. There was a place where you could learn about different people and for some reason they had Mickey Mouse there too. Some of the people were well known some were not. It was interesting to learn about the different people. In the hall, there were flags from every one of the 50 States in the U.S. It was a very fun and educational museum.
Mom - The National Constitution Center was an interesting place. I would have liked to spend more time there and go more carefully through more of the exhibits and artifacts. However, it would be easier to do that when I am not with my children. However, we still managed to have fun there and even learn things. My girls really loved all the interactive exhibits. I agree those were fun too. It was fun to read about Mickey Mouse and Ryan White and other people and matters involved with cases that were important constitutional milestones. It was fun to learn about my states symbols. It was fun to watch my children try on Supreme Court Justice robes and listen to a summary of an actual Supreme Court case. Even that was interactive as it asked questions of the listener along the way. They were not so much like questions as if you were having a test, but more questions asking your opinion as if you were one of the judges deciding the case. It was fun to see how different Presidents viewed different issues and who you might have voted for if they had run against each other. I would have liked to see the Signer's Hall where you can take pictures alongside life-size bronze replicas of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison and our other founding fathers but unfortunately it was closed. I would have liked to look at more of the state flags but we went through that corridor pretty quickly and only looked at a few of them. All in all, I had a lot of fun at the museum but there is still plenty left to do and see at another time.
And that's our view. Where is an interesting museum you have been to or would like to go to?
Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Where-To-Go Wednesday - National Constitution Center
We were not financially compensated for this post. We received free tickets to the museum for review purposes. The opinions expressed are own based on our experience visiting the museum.
What: National Constitution Center
Where: 525 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA
Our view: If you want to go to a museum that is both fun and educational, try the National Constitution Center. The Museum is filled with interactive exhibits. It consists of three main parts. There is Freedom Rising a movie in the round with a live actor in the center of it narrating. The movie runs a little long and does not hold young children's interest. The second part of the museum is by far more interesting. It is called We the People. It is full of films, artifacts and hands on exhibits. Artifacts include a rare copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, Civil War artifacts, and piles of documents related to the Supreme Court. Even young children and others with short attention spans who may easily tire of the films and artifacts, will like the interactive exhibits. Here you can vote in an actual voting booth in a simulated election in which you are arbitrarily given two U.S. Presidents to choose between. You can try on a black robe and pretend to be a Supreme Court Justice. You can watch yourself on a big screen as you recite the Presidential oath of office. You can learn about any of 100 people important in U.S. Constitutional history. Some of them are very well known and some are not as well known. You can learn different things about your own state, such as, your state symbols. You can also see your state flag as well as the state flag of the other 49 states.These are just some of the things you can do in this part of the museum. The third part of the museum is the Signer's Hall which consists of bronze replicas of the founding fathers. Unfortunately, this part of the museum is closed for renovation until Fall of 2014. There are also changing featured exhibits. The current featured exhibit is Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello. This exhibit will be at the museum through October 19, 2014. For more information go to http://constitutioncenter.org/.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for more about the National Constitution Center.
What: National Constitution Center
Where: 525 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA
Our view: If you want to go to a museum that is both fun and educational, try the National Constitution Center. The Museum is filled with interactive exhibits. It consists of three main parts. There is Freedom Rising a movie in the round with a live actor in the center of it narrating. The movie runs a little long and does not hold young children's interest. The second part of the museum is by far more interesting. It is called We the People. It is full of films, artifacts and hands on exhibits. Artifacts include a rare copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, Civil War artifacts, and piles of documents related to the Supreme Court. Even young children and others with short attention spans who may easily tire of the films and artifacts, will like the interactive exhibits. Here you can vote in an actual voting booth in a simulated election in which you are arbitrarily given two U.S. Presidents to choose between. You can try on a black robe and pretend to be a Supreme Court Justice. You can watch yourself on a big screen as you recite the Presidential oath of office. You can learn about any of 100 people important in U.S. Constitutional history. Some of them are very well known and some are not as well known. You can learn different things about your own state, such as, your state symbols. You can also see your state flag as well as the state flag of the other 49 states.These are just some of the things you can do in this part of the museum. The third part of the museum is the Signer's Hall which consists of bronze replicas of the founding fathers. Unfortunately, this part of the museum is closed for renovation until Fall of 2014. There are also changing featured exhibits. The current featured exhibit is Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello. This exhibit will be at the museum through October 19, 2014. For more information go to http://constitutioncenter.org/.
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for more about the National Constitution Center.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Tips for Tuesday - Movies: Maleficent and Jersey Boys
Me - Today I am recommending Maleficent. It was an amazing movie! The story was great. The special effects were great. The cast was great. I liked everything about it.
Mom -Today I am recommending Jersey Boys. If you want a movie with a good story and a great soundtrack, this is the movie for you. The familiar songs are just enjoyable here as the original versions sung by the real Frank Valli and the Four Seasons. The acting is equally as good as the singing. All of the actors fit their roles and act well in their parts. The story is entertaining and keeps on moving along at a good pace. All in all, it is a very enjoyable movie.
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Monthly Mash-up for July, 2014: Bethany Mota and Webkinz
Me- My topic for this month is Bethany Mota. I love Bethany Mota. Bethany Mota is a famous Youtuber. She does fashion, make-up and hair tutorials. She does reviews and haul videos showing her purchases. She does D.I.Y. videos and tag videos. She also does other things. Bethany is very inspirational to lot of people. She is definitely not afraid to be herself which I love. Since, I have started watching her videos, it has made me more confident about myself and more comfortable in my own skin. Even if you don't wear make-up and even if you don't have money to buy the things she can buy, you will still love her videos because they are still really cool and fun to watch.
Mom-My topic for this month is Webkinz. For anyone who doesn't know Webkinz are stuffed animals that come with codes if you enter the code at the Webkinz web-site you can play with a virtual version of your toy in Webkinz World. Webkinz are not as popular as they used to be, and I can't say I am very sad about it. I mean it's not only that at one time it was the hot popular toy that children couldn't get enough of (my own daughter had something like 15 of them at one time). There is always going to be some toy that serves that function. It is the way they run their web-site that annoys me. First of all, when you enter your pets name on the Webkinz site if you accidentally enter the name wrong, there is no way to fix it. Don't they realize they are dealing with children and children make mistakes? Second of all, and more importantly if you don't go on the Webkinz site for a certain period of time, all your pets will be eliminated and there is no way to enter them on the site again. In order to get more virtual Webkinz, you have to buy more stuffed animals and enter their codes on the site. I never heard of any other web-site either for children or adults that does something like that. I mean maybe after you have not accessed your account on a web-site for a very long time, something like a few years, it might get eliminated, but it would not happen after only a few months like at Webkinz World. There is no reason for it be this way either except as a ploy to get kids to want to buy more Webkinz. I for one, think that it shameful. It is bad enough toy advertising is made to convince kids that they absolutely must have this, that or the other thing, but to convince kids that they need to continuously go and repurchase products they have already purchased is even worse. As a result, the Webkinz craze was one I was more than happy to see die down.
Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.
Mom-My topic for this month is Webkinz. For anyone who doesn't know Webkinz are stuffed animals that come with codes if you enter the code at the Webkinz web-site you can play with a virtual version of your toy in Webkinz World. Webkinz are not as popular as they used to be, and I can't say I am very sad about it. I mean it's not only that at one time it was the hot popular toy that children couldn't get enough of (my own daughter had something like 15 of them at one time). There is always going to be some toy that serves that function. It is the way they run their web-site that annoys me. First of all, when you enter your pets name on the Webkinz site if you accidentally enter the name wrong, there is no way to fix it. Don't they realize they are dealing with children and children make mistakes? Second of all, and more importantly if you don't go on the Webkinz site for a certain period of time, all your pets will be eliminated and there is no way to enter them on the site again. In order to get more virtual Webkinz, you have to buy more stuffed animals and enter their codes on the site. I never heard of any other web-site either for children or adults that does something like that. I mean maybe after you have not accessed your account on a web-site for a very long time, something like a few years, it might get eliminated, but it would not happen after only a few months like at Webkinz World. There is no reason for it be this way either except as a ploy to get kids to want to buy more Webkinz. I for one, think that it shameful. It is bad enough toy advertising is made to convince kids that they absolutely must have this, that or the other thing, but to convince kids that they need to continuously go and repurchase products they have already purchased is even worse. As a result, the Webkinz craze was one I was more than happy to see die down.
Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Saturday Special - Updates on iLuminate and Franklin Square
Music, art, dance, and the technological magic of iLuminate brings this extraordinary spectacle to the New York stage, combining mythical elements with adventure and romance, told through dance styles which include contemporary, hip-hop, Latin, and breaking, all using the power of light.
current performance schedule for iLUMINATE is Monday & Wednesday
evenings at 7pm, Thursday through Saturday evenings at 8pm, with matinees
Wednesday at 2pm, Saturday at 2:30pm and Sunday at 3pm at New World Stages, 340
West 50th Street. Tickets are available through Telecharge.com
For more information about iLuminate see our
previous posts Where-To-Go Wednesday iLuminate and iLuminate and/or go to www.iLuminate.com
Franklin Square is Center City’s playground and a favorite for kids of all ages. New this summer, Franklin Square will host Things On Thursdays each Thursday evening in August.
July Special Events:
· National Carousel Day – July 25, 10 am – 5 pm
Buy-one-get-one-free tickets for the Parx Liberty Carousel.
· Franklin Square’s 8th Birthday Party – July 31, 11 am
Commemorate the Square’s 8th birthday with cake, cut by Ben Franklin himself. FREE.
August Special Events:
· Twilight Yoga presented by Pop Up Yoga Philly – August 13 & August 27, 7 - 8 pm
excited about yoga, health, and wellness! All body types and skill
levels are welcome for this Vinyasa Yoga class. $10 per person; tickets
required [historicphiladelphia.org] Participants are encouraged to bring their own mat.
Things On Thursdays, August in Franklin Square (August 7 – August 28):
· Quizzo in the Square – August 7, 6 - 9 pm
your friends and get your game on with Philadelphia’s famous trivia
game in the Pavilion! Tickets required and include beer, wine, soft
drinks, and snacks.
· Hot Night, Cool Jazz – August 14, 6 - 9 pm
Live jazz performances, dancing, beer and wine, and cool crafts for the entire family in the Pavilion. FREE.
· Throwback Thursday Movie Night – August 21, 6 - 9 pm
night comes to the Franklin Square indoor and air conditioned Pavilion!
Tickets required and include beer, wine, soft drinks, and snacks.
· Food Truck Festivus – August 28, 6- 9 pm
part in volleyball, horseshoes, and summer games and enjoy the beer
garden, as Philly’s finest food trucks converge on Franklin Square.
Games are FREE.
family entertainment and a beautiful park are just steps away from the
Liberty Bell, in one of William Penn’s original five squares, and the
only one dedicated to fun. Award-winning Franklin Square is a
family-friendly play place located in the heart of Historic
Philadelphia, featuring Philly Mini Golf, a renovated vintage fountain, playgrounds, the Parx Liberty Carousel, and the acclaimed SquareBurger.
We will be featuring more about Franklin Square in future posts.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Funny Friday - Hugs and Kisses
Me -
When I was little my brother, Jack asked "Melia, can I have a hug?"
"I'm in my pajamas!" I replied.
Mom -
When Melia was little she got the dolls Barbie and Krissy for her birthday except she called them Barbie and Kiss Me so whenever we wanted to give her a kiss we would say "What's the doll's name?"
When she replied "Kiss Me." We would kiss her.
We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.
Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.
photo credit: Chapendra via photopin cc
When I was little my brother, Jack asked "Melia, can I have a hug?"
"I'm in my pajamas!" I replied.
Mom -
When Melia was little she got the dolls Barbie and Krissy for her birthday except she called them Barbie and Kiss Me so whenever we wanted to give her a kiss we would say "What's the doll's name?"
When she replied "Kiss Me." We would kiss her.
We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.
Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.
photo credit: Chapendra via photopin cc
Funny Fridays
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The Philadelphia Zoo
Me - The Philadelphia Zoo, wow! The Philadelphia Zoo was fun even though they don't have as many animals as some other zoos. My favorite part was the giraffes. There was a baby monkey that had just recently been born. It was riding around on its mother's back. It was so cute. There were some cute monkeys called Aye Ayes. They were completely in the dark. They had really big eyes and were cute. They looked like Beanie Boo stuffed animals. I wish they had elephants at the zoo. They had a statute of an elephant, but they didn't have real ones. That upset Aurella because she loves elephants. They had a lot of monkeys which is good because I love monkeys. They had monkeys literally all over. Even when they weren't in an exhibit, they had tunnels all over the zoo where the monkeys could climb around so we saw them everywhere. The tunnels were completely enclosed though so the monkeys couldn't get out. There was a big orangatang who had his back to the people all the time. He never turned around. There was a big gorilla. He was sitting down facing the people. Later, he lay down and put his food or water bowl over his head. It was funny. I didn't like the elephant shrews. They looked like rats. I did like that were called giant elephant shrews even though they were reallly small. Over all, I like the Philadelphia Zoo a lot.
Mom- We had fun at the Philadelphia Zoo. There was a gorilla sitting in a window and an orangtang who didn't want to show his face. There were Aye Ayes in the dark. There were goats crossing a bridge that made me think of the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. There was a polar bear taking a nap. There was a black bear pacing back and forth. There was a monkey tunnel and a big cat tunnel. We saw plenty of monkeys in the monkey tunnel, but we never saw any big cats in the big cat tunnel. There was a tiny baby monkey traveling around securely attached to its mother's back. There was a lone peacock wandering around all over the place. There were flamingos so full of color that they almost didn't look real. There were alligators and crocodiles in the water and turtles and tortoises on the land. There were tiny baby chicks. There were rhinos and hippos and giraffes but not elephants. There was a playground for big kids, and an indoor playroom for little ones. There were interactive areas including one where you could write a note about why you think it is important to save big cats and another where you could learn about conservation. That is only a small fraction of what there was to see and do at the zoo.
And that's our view. What do you like to see and do at the zoo?
Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.
Talking Topics
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Philadelphia Zoo
We were not financially compensated for this post. We received free tickets to the zoo for review purposes. The opinions expressed here are our own based on our experience at the zoo.
What: Philadelphia Zoo
Where: 3400 W. Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
Who: All Ages
Our view: The Philadelphia Zoo is the oldest zoo in the U.S. It opened with approximately 1000 animals. There are not much more than that there now. There are, however, a wide variety of different animals. It is a good zoo for small children or people who are easily overwhelmed. There are enough animals to see at the zoo to spend a few hours but not so many as to not know which way to look first when viewing one of the exhibits. Instead of having many of each animal at the zoo, here you will not find more than a handful of each animal. That is not, however, a bad thing because it is possible for a zoo to have too many animals and be too overwhelming. Besides, there are a lot of different kinds of animals at the zoo even if there are not so many of each kind. The zoo involves quite a lot of walking and even with the signs it is not always easy to tell which way to go to get where you want. The zoo employes are friendly and helpful, however. The zoo is large in area and to cover the whole thing you will need to do quite a bit of walking so we would recommend bringing strollers for young children. While there are food and souvenirs available at the zoo, you will not find yourself as bombarded with places to buy food and souvenirs as you may at other places which can be a good thing. One especially nice feature of the zoo is that you can bring in your own water bottles, and there are water bottle filing stations throughout the zoo. Another nice feature is that there are signs throughout the zoo telling you when the trainers will be in particular areas in case you are interested in learning about a specific animal. The zoo is open every day except Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Day, New Years Eve and Day. Hours are 9:30 to 5:00 March through October and 9:30 to 4:00 November through February.Tickets are $20.00 for 12 and up, $18.00 for 2-11 March through October. Tickets are $16.00 for 2 and up November through February. Children under 2 are free at all times. With proper I.D., active military can get a $2.00 per ticket discount. Parking is $15.00. For more information go to http://www.philadelphiazoo.org/.
And that's our view. Tune in to tomorrow's Talking Topics post for more about the Philadelphia Zoo.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Tips for Tuesday - Apps. and Web-Sites Ham in the Run and Photo Pin
Me - Today I am recommending Ham on the Run. It's a fun game.Your character is a pig. The object is to collect veggies. Veggies are like coins. You can trade veggies in for upgrades on your power ups. Power ups are hover pig, pogo pig, and carpet ride. Power ups have special powers and their powers get bigger as you upgrade them. You collect spin tokens throughout the run. You use them on the spin wheel. On the spin wheel, you can earn more veggies or items you can purchase. It is a really fun game.
Mom- Today I am recommending Photo Pin. If you need a picture for a blog post or some other purpose, and you do not have one, go to this site. Here, you will find tons pictures you can use for free. All that is required is that you include the picture credit with the picture when you use it. The pictures are not just generic either like pictures of babies, clowns, castles, bicycles or whatever. There are also pictures of specific people, such as, specific actors and/or athletes. There are pictures of specific places including cities or specific locations. There are also pictures of specific items like a particular player's jersey. While you may not be able to find any picture you could possibly want or need on this site, it is a good bet that you will find most pictures that you could ever want or need here. For more information or to find pictures go to http://photopin.com/.
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.
Mom- Today I am recommending Photo Pin. If you need a picture for a blog post or some other purpose, and you do not have one, go to this site. Here, you will find tons pictures you can use for free. All that is required is that you include the picture credit with the picture when you use it. The pictures are not just generic either like pictures of babies, clowns, castles, bicycles or whatever. There are also pictures of specific people, such as, specific actors and/or athletes. There are pictures of specific places including cities or specific locations. There are also pictures of specific items like a particular player's jersey. While you may not be able to find any picture you could possibly want or need on this site, it is a good bet that you will find most pictures that you could ever want or need here. For more information or to find pictures go to http://photopin.com/.
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.
Tips For Tuesday
Monday, July 21, 2014
The Windsor Suites Philadelphia, PA
We were not financially compensated for this post. We were given a room discount for review purposes. The opinions expressed are our own based on our experience staying at the hotel.
The Windsor Suites, 1700 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA
Me - The Windsor Suites, wow! The Windsor Suites is a nice hotel. It is big. The rooms come with ice trays, plates and glasses. There is a full refrigerator and it comes with a freezer for the ice. They also had a toaster and a microwave. They had a breakfast bar but only two people can fit at it. There is a lot of storage space for a hotel. They had a nice area to do your hair and makeup. They also had a hair and makeup mirror in the bathroom. The beds were comfortable. I didn't like the TV. They didn't have enough channels. I wish hotels had a DVD players. They had a nice pool on the roof. I like that they had towels at the pool. I wish that the pool had had a diving board. The hotel was in a nice area. It was not far from a lot of Philadelphia's famous tourist attractions. The people who worked in the hotel were nice. They always greeted us by name. If you are going to be in Philadelphia, you should stay at Windsor Suites.
Mom- The Windsor Suites is a lovely hotel. It is in a great location right on Benjamin Franklin Parkway minutes from most of Philadelphia's major attractions. The rooms are a nice size and full of amenities. All of the rooms are are suites with kitchens. The room description which follows refers to the room we stayed in although it is my understanding that most if not all of the rooms in the hotel are similar. The kitchens are fully loaded with full size refrigerators, dishwashers, toasters, microwaves, Keurig coffee makers as well as plates, glasses and silverware. There is even a two person breakfast bar with stools. There is plenty of storage space. In addition to the large dressers there is also a walk in closet. The bathrooms are rather large for hotel room bathrooms. There are plenty of mirrors. In addition to the mirror over the bathroom sink, they also have a small movable hair and makeup mirror attached to the wall next to the sink in the bathroom as well as two full length mirrors and a mirror by the dressing area between the bathroom and the closet. The dressing area also includes a table area, and a little ottoman like chair. There are washers and dryers located on every floor of the hotel. There is a pool on the roof of the hotel. In the lobby, there is a room with computers and printers for guest usage as well as a bunch of vending machines. The hotel has its own garage with valet parking. Cars do not have to remain in the garage for the duration of your stay, but may been taken in and out of the garage as you wish. Another nice thing about the garage is that even though hotel check-out is at 11:00 AM, cars may be kept in the hotel garage up to 6:00 PM on the day of checkout in case you still have things to do in the area before you actually take your car and leave the vicinity. If you want to go out without your car, there is a bus service called the Philly Phlash that has stops located near the hotel. The Philly Phlash runs from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and costs $2.00 per ride per person or $5.00 per person for a one day pass. The staff at the Windsor Suite is very friendly, efficient and attentive. They remembered us and referred to us by name throughout our visit. I would highly recommend this hotel as a great place to stay when you are visiting the Philadelphia area. For more information about the Windsor Suites or to make a reservation go to http://www.thewindsorsuites.com/.
And that's our view. What is your favorite hotel amenity?
Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.
photo credit: brillianthues via photopin cc
![]() | |
Philadelphia Skyline |
The Windsor Suites, 1700 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA
Me - The Windsor Suites, wow! The Windsor Suites is a nice hotel. It is big. The rooms come with ice trays, plates and glasses. There is a full refrigerator and it comes with a freezer for the ice. They also had a toaster and a microwave. They had a breakfast bar but only two people can fit at it. There is a lot of storage space for a hotel. They had a nice area to do your hair and makeup. They also had a hair and makeup mirror in the bathroom. The beds were comfortable. I didn't like the TV. They didn't have enough channels. I wish hotels had a DVD players. They had a nice pool on the roof. I like that they had towels at the pool. I wish that the pool had had a diving board. The hotel was in a nice area. It was not far from a lot of Philadelphia's famous tourist attractions. The people who worked in the hotel were nice. They always greeted us by name. If you are going to be in Philadelphia, you should stay at Windsor Suites.
Mom- The Windsor Suites is a lovely hotel. It is in a great location right on Benjamin Franklin Parkway minutes from most of Philadelphia's major attractions. The rooms are a nice size and full of amenities. All of the rooms are are suites with kitchens. The room description which follows refers to the room we stayed in although it is my understanding that most if not all of the rooms in the hotel are similar. The kitchens are fully loaded with full size refrigerators, dishwashers, toasters, microwaves, Keurig coffee makers as well as plates, glasses and silverware. There is even a two person breakfast bar with stools. There is plenty of storage space. In addition to the large dressers there is also a walk in closet. The bathrooms are rather large for hotel room bathrooms. There are plenty of mirrors. In addition to the mirror over the bathroom sink, they also have a small movable hair and makeup mirror attached to the wall next to the sink in the bathroom as well as two full length mirrors and a mirror by the dressing area between the bathroom and the closet. The dressing area also includes a table area, and a little ottoman like chair. There are washers and dryers located on every floor of the hotel. There is a pool on the roof of the hotel. In the lobby, there is a room with computers and printers for guest usage as well as a bunch of vending machines. The hotel has its own garage with valet parking. Cars do not have to remain in the garage for the duration of your stay, but may been taken in and out of the garage as you wish. Another nice thing about the garage is that even though hotel check-out is at 11:00 AM, cars may be kept in the hotel garage up to 6:00 PM on the day of checkout in case you still have things to do in the area before you actually take your car and leave the vicinity. If you want to go out without your car, there is a bus service called the Philly Phlash that has stops located near the hotel. The Philly Phlash runs from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and costs $2.00 per ride per person or $5.00 per person for a one day pass. The staff at the Windsor Suite is very friendly, efficient and attentive. They remembered us and referred to us by name throughout our visit. I would highly recommend this hotel as a great place to stay when you are visiting the Philadelphia area. For more information about the Windsor Suites or to make a reservation go to http://www.thewindsorsuites.com/.
And that's our view. What is your favorite hotel amenity?
Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.
photo credit: brillianthues via photopin cc
Talking Topics
Friday, July 18, 2014
Funny Friday - David Cone and His Perfect Game
In honor of the 15th anniversary of David Cone's perfect game today
Me -
When I was little I knew my Mom's favorite baseball player was David Cone, but I didn't know any other baseball players or any other athletes in general so every time I saw a baseball player, or a football player, or a hockey player or any other athlete I would ask "Is that David Cone?"
Mom -
My husband and I were lucky enough to attend not one but two perfect baseball games. The second one was pitched by my favorite baseball player of all time, David Cone. When we went to that game, my stepson was away visiting his mother. When he returned and heard about it, he said "The next time David Cone pitches a perfect game, can you take me?"
We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.
Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.
photo credit: clare_and_ben via photopin cc
Me -
When I was little I knew my Mom's favorite baseball player was David Cone, but I didn't know any other baseball players or any other athletes in general so every time I saw a baseball player, or a football player, or a hockey player or any other athlete I would ask "Is that David Cone?"
Mom -
My husband and I were lucky enough to attend not one but two perfect baseball games. The second one was pitched by my favorite baseball player of all time, David Cone. When we went to that game, my stepson was away visiting his mother. When he returned and heard about it, he said "The next time David Cone pitches a perfect game, can you take me?"
We welcome you to share your funny stories with us.
Tune in Monday for another Talking Topic.
photo credit: clare_and_ben via photopin cc
Thursday, July 17, 2014
National Museum of American Jewish History
Me - National Museum of American Jewish History, wow! The National Museum of American Jewish History was fun. There are so many interactive exhibits that keep children entertained. Even my little sister really enjoyed it. I liked that they had a lot of stuff about Barbra Streisand including one of her costumes from Yentl. I like Barbra Streisand. In one of the rooms, they were showing an episode of Seinfeld. I love Seinfeld. Then, it changed to Fiddler On The Roof. They had a baseball game where you can practice pitching and a baseball game where you could practice catching. Those were were part of a special exhibit on baseball. They were two of my favorite things at the museum. They had a room with furniture. We sat on the bed. It was the most uncomfortable bed, I had ever sat on in my life. There were also some old fashioned clothes in that room. They were for little kids to try on. I didn't fit. Aurella tried on a pinafore. They had Purim masks that you could try on. Aurella and I had fun putting them on and pretending we were going to a masquerade ball. There is even booth where you can record your story or sing a song. We recorded our family singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game. The National Museum of American Jewish History is a really fun place to go.
Mom - The National Museum of American Jewish History is a really fun, interesting and informative museum even if you are not Jewish you will enjoy it. Even though, we were there for a few hours, everyone in our family is in agreement that we could easily have spent much more time there. The Museum is the story of the Jewish immigration to America. Every floor features immigration from a particular time period except for the top floor which features special exhibits. The current special exhibit is a baseball exhibit which is running through October. My favorite part of the museum is seeing all the artifacts. I love seeing artifacts that belonged to famous people, such as, Albert Einstein's pipe and Steven Spielberg's camera. I also enjoyed seeing artifacts that did not belong to anyone famous, such as an immigrant's trunk, an old Singer sewing machine, and a Statute of Liberty Menorah. I loved seeing snatches of films as we went through various exhibits, and I would have loved to have the time to sit and watch and listen to more of them. There were informative films, such as, one that talked about famous Jews in the entertainment field and their real names, and there were other that were purely fun like part of an episode of Seinfeld. As a big fan of baseball, I especially loved the special baseball exhibit Chasing Dreams. Here there were artifacts and pictures featuring famous and nonfamous people as well. I loved seeing Sandy Koufax's Cy Young Award and Hank Greenberg's MVP award. There were also uniform jerseys of many different players. There was even the uniform of a player in the Women's professional baseball league featured in the film A League of Their Own. I was especially proud that according to our private tour guide, Ilana, I was one of two people to come through the museum to pick out Sandy Koufax from an old picture of him and his camp bunkmates without looking at the names. All in all, the museum was highly entertaining and informative. I would definitely recommend it, and I would definitely go back myself.
And that's our view. What famous artifact would you love to see in a museum?
Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Where-To-Go Wednesday - National Museum of American Jewish History
We were not financially compensated for this post. We received free tickets to the museum for review purposes. The opinions expressed here are our own based on our experiences at the museum.
What: National Museum of American Jewish History
Where: 101 S. Independence Mall E.
Philadelphia, PA
Who: All Ages
Our view: The National Museum of American Jewish History is a great place for all ages, and you definitely don't have to be Jewish to enjoy it. For adults, there are a lot of interesting exhibits. There are artifacts including Steve Spielberg's first camera and Irving Berlin's piano. There are films; both informative films and films that are purely entertainment and there are many many pictures. For children, there are many interactive and fun exhibits. They can try on old fashioned clothing or sit on an old fashioned bed. They can pretend to cook in a covered wagon. There is even a place they can climb. That is only a small fraction of the fun things for children to do and explore at the museum. One of our favorite parts of the museum was the special exhibit Chasing Dreams Baseball and the American Experience. This exhibit highlights not only Jewish players but all immigrants and minorities who changed baseball. As part of the exhibit, you will find Jackie Robinson's jacket and Sandy Koufax's Cy Young award as well as many other artifacts including many vintage baseball cards. If you are a fan of baseball and/or history you especially won't want to miss this special exhibit. Children will enjoy this exhibit as well since like the rest of the museum, this exhibit includes many fun interactive areas. There is a place where you can simulate catching a baseball. There is a place where you can actually pretend to throw a baseball off a mound with real balls.The balls are soft and squishy, however, and not regulation hard baseballs that would be used in a real game. There is even a place where you can pretend to stand in a clubhouse and you can actually try on a baseball uniform shirt. While the special baseball exhibit is there, the museum is even featuring special screenings of famous baseball movies including children's movies, such as The Bad News Bears and The Sandlot and more adult movies, such as, The Natural and Bull Durham. The special baseball exhibit will be at the museum through October 26. The Museum is open Tuesday through Friday 10:00 to 5:00 and Saturday and Sunday 10:00 to 5:30. We would recommend giving yourself plenty of time at the museum as there is so much to see and do. Tickets are $12.00 for adults, $11.00 for over age 65 or ages 13-21. Children 12 and under and active military with ID are free. For more information go to http://www.nmajh.org/.
And that's our view. Tune in to tomorrow's Talking Topic post where we will be talking more about the National Museum of American Jewish History.
What: National Museum of American Jewish History
Where: 101 S. Independence Mall E.
Philadelphia, PA
Who: All Ages
Our view: The National Museum of American Jewish History is a great place for all ages, and you definitely don't have to be Jewish to enjoy it. For adults, there are a lot of interesting exhibits. There are artifacts including Steve Spielberg's first camera and Irving Berlin's piano. There are films; both informative films and films that are purely entertainment and there are many many pictures. For children, there are many interactive and fun exhibits. They can try on old fashioned clothing or sit on an old fashioned bed. They can pretend to cook in a covered wagon. There is even a place they can climb. That is only a small fraction of the fun things for children to do and explore at the museum. One of our favorite parts of the museum was the special exhibit Chasing Dreams Baseball and the American Experience. This exhibit highlights not only Jewish players but all immigrants and minorities who changed baseball. As part of the exhibit, you will find Jackie Robinson's jacket and Sandy Koufax's Cy Young award as well as many other artifacts including many vintage baseball cards. If you are a fan of baseball and/or history you especially won't want to miss this special exhibit. Children will enjoy this exhibit as well since like the rest of the museum, this exhibit includes many fun interactive areas. There is a place where you can simulate catching a baseball. There is a place where you can actually pretend to throw a baseball off a mound with real balls.The balls are soft and squishy, however, and not regulation hard baseballs that would be used in a real game. There is even a place where you can pretend to stand in a clubhouse and you can actually try on a baseball uniform shirt. While the special baseball exhibit is there, the museum is even featuring special screenings of famous baseball movies including children's movies, such as The Bad News Bears and The Sandlot and more adult movies, such as, The Natural and Bull Durham. The special baseball exhibit will be at the museum through October 26. The Museum is open Tuesday through Friday 10:00 to 5:00 and Saturday and Sunday 10:00 to 5:30. We would recommend giving yourself plenty of time at the museum as there is so much to see and do. Tickets are $12.00 for adults, $11.00 for over age 65 or ages 13-21. Children 12 and under and active military with ID are free. For more information go to http://www.nmajh.org/.
And that's our view. Tune in to tomorrow's Talking Topic post where we will be talking more about the National Museum of American Jewish History.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Christmas in July Giveaway Hop
Let's Celebrate Christmas in July Giveaway Hop
Hosted by Lauren Paints | a beautiful life
It's that time of year again,
let's celebrate Christmas in July with a giveaway hop full of prizes!
I've teamed up with a great group of bloggers to bring you some great giveaways.
Here at Says Me Says Mom, we are giving away
a four (4) pack of tickets to Madame Tussauds New YorkYork
where you can go and see all of your favorite celebrities in wax.
For more information about Madame Tussauds. See our previous posts: Where-To-Go Wednesday Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, Where-To-Go Wednesday Madame Tussauds New York, and Madame Tussauds New York
To enter the giveaway just fill out the rafflecopter below
Be sure to enter to win the grand prize,
$150 to spend on whatever you please...
the possibilities are endless
Don't forget to enter to win all of the other great giveaways below!
1. | Lauren Paints | a beautiful life {HOST} | 19. | April | |
2. | Heart of a Philanthropist (HoaP) | 20. | Momma Lew | |
3. | Parenting In Northern Kentucky | 21. | Erin @ Love, Fun Football | |
4. | My Fab Fit Forties | 22. | Savings in Seconds (US) | |
5. | Purple Monster Coupons | 23. | Says Me Says Mom | |
6. | ABCD Diaries | 24. | Mama Papa Barn | |
7. | SaraLee's Deals Steals & Giveaways | 25. | Failing Perfect | |
8. | Elayne Frank | 26. | MamaNYC | |
9. | Healthy Baby Beans | 27. | Nanny to Mommy | |
10. | ~SeReNiTy DoEsN't CoMe EaSy~ | 28. | Manic Mama of 2 | |
11. | The Review Wire | 29. | This West Coast Mommy | |
12. | Not Quite Crunchy Mommy | 30. | Classy & Sassy Mrs. | |
13. | rain | 31. | Bare Feet on the Dashboard | |
14. | Laura | 32. | Steals and Deals for Kids | |
15. | Literary Winner | 33. | Mom Loves 2 Read | |
16. | Miki's Hope | 34. | Kelly's Thoughts On Things | |
17. | Java John Z's | 35. | Mary's Cup of Tea | |
18. | Anointing The Family | 36. | Gator Mommy Reviews |
Tips for Tuesday - Misc.:The Windsor Suites
Me - Today I am recommending the Windsor Suites in Philadelphia, PA. It is a nice hotel. It is really comfortable. The people who work there are really nice. It's a great hotel to stay in.
Mom - Today I am also recommending the Windsor Suites in Philadelphia, PA. It is very nice hotel in a good location, with comfortable rooms, a lot of amenities, and a friendly and accommodating staff.
And that's our view. For more about the Windsor Suites tune in to next Monday's Talking Topic post.
Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.
Mom - Today I am also recommending the Windsor Suites in Philadelphia, PA. It is very nice hotel in a good location, with comfortable rooms, a lot of amenities, and a friendly and accommodating staff.
And that's our view. For more about the Windsor Suites tune in to next Monday's Talking Topic post.
Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Me- Beds
Mom- When I was younger I had big all to myself. It was a . Eventually, we took the canopy down but I still had the same bed. When I graduated college and moved out of my parents house, I still had the same bed. At first, I lived in an apartment with a roommate. Later, I lived in my own apartment, and I got my first cat, Gigi. Gigi slept with me every night. I slept on my bed with my head on one pillow, and she slept next to me on the extra pillow on my bed. It was nice because we never got in each other's way. When my husband and I first moved in together we still had that double bed. It was a tight squeeze. Then, we got a queen sized bed
And that's our view. What kind of bed do you have?
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Saturday Special -Ladies Night at Campbells Field and Ticket Giveaway
What: Ladies Night at Camden Riversharks
Campbells Field
401 N. Delaware Avenue
Camden, NJ
When: Thursday August 21, 2014 7:05 PM
Who: Even though it is Ladies Night all are welcome
Tickets only $5.00 if bought in advance using the group code "LADIES"
Special discounts on Copa Di Vino Wine and Bud Light Ritas will be available at this game.
Our view: Come and see the Riversharks! They are one of baseball's pleasant surprises. Forget everything you may have thought you knew about Camden and/or the Riversharks. They are an entertaining team, with a beautiful stadium in a safe location right next to Adventure Aquarium. We will be featuring more about the Riversharks in future posts. In the meantime, enter the rafflecopter below to win a four (4) pack of tickets. Tickets can used by a family of 4 or any group of 4 people and do not have to be used on the above-referenced date but can be used on any available game date during the 2014 season.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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