What: National Constitution Center
Where: 525 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA
Our view: If you want to go to a museum that is both fun and educational, try the National Constitution Center. The Museum is filled with interactive exhibits. It consists of three main parts. There is Freedom Rising a movie in the round with a live actor in the center of it narrating. The movie runs a little long and does not hold young children's interest. The second part of the museum is by far more interesting. It is called We the People. It is full of films, artifacts and hands on exhibits. Artifacts include a rare copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, Civil War artifacts, and piles of documents related to the Supreme Court. Even young children and others with short attention spans who may easily tire of the films and artifacts, will like the interactive exhibits. Here you can vote in an actual voting booth in a simulated election in which you are arbitrarily given two U.S. Presidents to choose between. You can try on a black robe and pretend to be a Supreme Court Justice. You can watch yourself on a big screen as you recite the Presidential oath of office. You can learn about any of 100 people important in U.S. Constitutional history. Some of them are very well known and some are not as well known. You can learn different things about your own state, such as, your state symbols. You can also see your state flag as well as the state flag of the other 49 states.These are just some of the things you can do in this part of the museum. The third part of the museum is the Signer's Hall which consists of bronze replicas of the founding fathers. Unfortunately, this part of the museum is closed for renovation until Fall of 2014. There are also changing featured exhibits. The current featured exhibit is Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello. This exhibit will be at the museum through October 19, 2014. For more information go to http://constitutioncenter.org/.
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for more about the National Constitution Center.