I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tips for Tuesday: Books: buzztime Trivia Books, Zen Bunnies: Mediations for the Wise Minds of Bunny Lovers, and The Found Child

We may have been given some of the below mentioned books for free for review purposes. This post also may contain affliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we will be compensated. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Me- Today I am recommending buzztime Trivia books. They have a whole series of trivia books with different topics including: TV, movies, rock and roll, sports and general entertainment. I really like that you can't possibly cheat or accidentally see the answer to a different question when you look up the answers because each answer is on a different page. This also makes it possible to play even if you are by yourself. Some questions are harder and some are easier making it easier to play along no matter what your skill level or knowledge of the subject is. Also, the questions are from different time periods so you don't have to be a certain age to play along. All the questions are multiple choice so even if you have no idea or no knowledge of a particular subject you can still guess. buzztime Trivia books are a really fun time filler, and I would really recommend them.

Mom - Today I am recommending two books.

First I am recommending the nonfiction book Zen Bunnies: Mediations for the Wise Minds of Bunny Lovers by Gautama Buddha.  It combines adorable pictures of rabbits with spirtual mantras. Each page contains a bunny picture, a saying, and an explaination of that saying. It a quick and fun book to read. It is great for if you need to chill out and/or refocus. It is also great if you just need some cheering up unless, of course,  you are immune to cute bunny pictures.

The second book I am recommending today is The Found Child by Jo Crow. What if your child disappeared but the child that is returned to you isn't actually your child? That is exactly what happens to Elaine Jennson. After a scary incident of postpartum depression, Elaine's son, Jake is kidnapped and shortly after found and returned to Elaine and her husband. However, a few years later, Jake needs a bone marrow transplant, and it turns out that neither Elaine nor her husband could possibly be the biological parent of Jake. So where is the real Jake and who is the child Elaine has been raising? This book is so full of twists and turns, you'll never be able to see where the story is going. From start to finish it's one heck of an exciting ride, and you won't be able to put it down.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

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