I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, December 31, 2012

Things That Make Me Sad

Me - Things that make me sad, opposite of wow. I don't like sad stuff. I don't like death because death is sad. Sad movies make me sad. Sad books make me sad. It makes me sad when people fight. It makes me sad when other people are sad. It makes me sad when people are mad at me. It makes me sad when I behave badly even though I don't mean to. It makes me sad when my parents fight. It makes me sad when me and my sister fight. It makes me sad when my brother is mean to me. It makes me sad when anybody is mean to me. It makes me sad when people are mean to each other. It makes me sad when people are mean to animals. It makes me sad when I am hurt or sick. It makes me sad when other people are hurt or sick. It makes me sad when animals are hurt or sick. I hate being sad.

Mom - There are many different kinds of sad. There are entertaining sad things like a sad book or a tearjerker movie. There are annoying sad things like when  you don't get something you are expecting or when your favorite sports team loses and loses and loses. However, the worst kind of sad things are the serious sad things. It is sad when people fight. It is sad when people are mean to each other. It is sad when people don't respect each other. It is sad when people hate each other. It is sad when people are cruel to animals. It is sad when people don't have a place to live or enough to eat. It is sad when people don't have anyone to love or love them. There are so many sad things in the world, too many. However, the saddest thing of all, is that a crazy person can easily get  a bunch of guns and go into a mall or a supermarket or a movie theater or a school and kill  a bunch of innocent people that he doesn't even know.  My heart goes out to the victims of  all these recent tragedies and their families. My heart especially goes out to the victims of the recent Newtown school shootings. Thinking about those sweet innocent first graders who were cruelly gunned down keeps me awake at night. My Aurella is the same age, and I cannot for a minute imagine having to go on with my life without her or her sister, Melia. Words cannot express how sad I am that we live in a world where things like this can happen.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.