Where: The Museum at FIT
7th Ave. at 27th St.
New York, NY
When: Now through November 18, 2017
Who: 10 and up
Me - The museum at FIT Forces of Nature exhibit was nice. There were some really interesting looking outfits. There was one dress that looked like two giant flowers. There were a bunch of dresses with animal prints on them. For example there was one that's pattern looked like a giraffe, one that looked like a zebra and one that kind of looked like a cheetah. There was a pair of shoes that looked as if they were made out of feathers. There were also some funny looking hats. One of them looked like a bird's nest. There was one dress that looked like lightning. There was a dress that was red and blue. The way the design is it looks kind of like feathers. I think it was pretty, the colors and pattern remind me of peacocks. There was also some suits for men. There was one suit that was navy blue and had a bunch of pink flowers all over it. There was a black jacket that had leopard print going around the outline of the hood. There was a black dress with a couple of flowers on the bottom. There was also a red dress with flowers in the pattern. I thought it looked kind like a table cloth. The forces of nature exhibit will only be open through November 18, 2017. On the whole the museum at FIT Forces of Nature exhibit was very cool to see.

Mom - A lot of clothing designs take their inspiration from nature. The current exhibit at the Museum at FIT takes this to the extreme. There are typical clothes with patterns on them that are inspired by nature like dresses decorated with flowers or a coat with a leopard trimmed hood. However, there are also clothes where the entire article of clothing resembles something in nature like a dress that looks like a flower or dresses that looks like snakeskin or zebra or tiger fur. There are even clothes that resemble events of nature like a dress with a pattern that looks like lighting or an outfit that looks like it is patterned with stars. Hats and shoe are part of the collection as well including a hat that looks like a bird nest, and shoes with feathers or shoes that are striped like a zebra. There are men's clothes included in the collection as well although not as many as the women's clothes. I don't know many men who would wear things like suits decorated with pink flowers. Some of clothes in the collection look like something anyone would wear. Others, it is hard to imagine who would wear them ever. However, they are all fun to look at. There is no cost for visiting the Museum at FIT and the museum is not very big so if you are in the area and you have time you should definitely check it out.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.
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