I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, November 18, 2013

Things We Would Like to Get for the Holidays

Me - What I want for the holidays, wow! There are so many things I want for the holidays. I want more Barbie dolls and Barbie doll clothes.I want a mermaid Barbie and some more boy Barbies.  I want a bathing suit for my Barbies.  I want some food for my easy bake oven which may be hard to find because I have an old one. I want a hair jeweler. I want all the seasons of Friends. I want some more things for my doll house. So many things that I want that I can barely even think of them all. I'd like a new scooter. The one I have right now is Hello Kitty, and I am way too old for it. I want DS games. I want Wii games, Just Dance 4 and Just Dance 2014. I want books. I want Charlotte's Web, both the live version and the cartoon.  I want Taylor Swift CDs especially her latest one. I want more Rainbow Loom rubber bands. I would like long sleeved shirts and leggings, a heavy jacket, and a jean jacket. I would like shoes to wear to dance class. I want a guitar. I want a video camera.  I would like a new i-pod touch that isn't cracked and has more gigs. I want a new mp3 player, but I know I am already getting that from my Aunt and Uncle. I want so many things I  can't even name them all

Mom - There actually isn't that much I would like for the holidays this year. I mean I like to get things myself but just as much or maybe even more I like to get things for my girls and see their happy faces when they open their gifts. There are a few things I wouldn't mind getting myself though. I would like a Fit Desk Semi Recumbent Petal Desk so I can go on the computer and get exercise at the same time.I would like an exercise treadmill for the same reason. I am sure I am not getting those though because they are much too expensive. I would like a Sunny Health and Fitness Twister Stepper. I would like The Sound of Music Scrapbook. I would like Jeopardy and.or Trivial Pursuit for the Wii. I would like a set of Funko Pop Vinyl Big Bang Theory figures and a set of Funko Mini Mystery Big Bang Theory. A friend of ours is Bernadette on Big Bang Theory. I like to have Big Bang Theory items partly out of nostalgia because I knew her back when she was a little kid and partly out of the fact that it kind of blows my mind that she is now so famous there are actually things like that made in her likeness. That is about all I can think of that I want right now.

And that's our view. What do you want this holiday season?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.