I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, June 10, 2013

Fun at School

Me - Fun at school, wow! We do fun science experiments at school. For instance, we did an an experiment to see which of 3 substances was more dense.In first grade, we went to a farm.  In second grade, we had immigration day where we pretended to be immigrants first coming to this country. We also had Dinosaur Day. We had an assembly called The Bee Man. We also had a wax museum where we all got to be famous people. I was Miley Cyrus. In third grade, we had an assembly called Grandfather Turtle.  We also had Wild West Day. In 4th grade, we went to Six Flags Great Adventure and got to see a cool Dolphin show. Every year we do Haunted Gym for Halloween. Every spring we do Scooterville in gym. We ride around on these little scooters. The scooters are supposed to be cars and the whole gym is set up like a town. You get tickets if you don't follow the rules of the road. Sometimes, we have dances or movies or bingo and other kinds of activities after school, but I don't always go. We have lots of parties for holidays and stuff. Recess and lunch are always fun. So even though most people hate school and think it's the worst place you could possibly go, I love school. You have to think of the good things with the bad or you'll never know what you are missing.

Mom - When I was in elementary school, every year we had a Haunted House in the gym for Halloween. Every spring we had a spring carnival. We also had afterschool  movies sometimes and afterschool classes you could take. Unlike now, we got to go on lots of school trips when I was in school. Some of my favorites were a trip to the Turtleback Zoo in first grade and a trip to the United Nations in 4th grade. In second grade, we went on a lot of trips because we used to take walking trips. In 8th grade, we went to Six Flags Great Adventure.We also had an art show in second grade. In kindergarten we had a circus where the kids pretended to be all the animals and performers in the circus. I was really shy though so I wasn't in it. We also had school plays in third, fourth, and fifth grade. In third grade the show was put on by the entire third grade. It was about the early settlers in American and had lot of different segments. I played a settler in a skit about Jamestown and Pocahontas. In 4th grade, our class and another class put on a play about the different systems of the body. I played a lung in a skit about the respiratory system. In fifth grade our class and another class put on a play about the events leading up to the American Revolution. I was a townsperson. Nowadays, my daughters' schools sometimes do have a spring carnival and sometimes they have activities afterschool like a movie or bingo, but they don't have them that often and they don't have afterschool classes. They rarely go on a class trips and don't even go on one every year. Neither of my daughter's ever had a school play in elementary school. I don't even remember anything about any of the classes in the elementary school ever putting on a school play. Even though there are times when my girls have fun in school in a lot of ways and for a lot of reasons, I think school was a lot more fun when I was a kid.

And that's our view. What did you do when you were in school that was fun?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.