I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, March 18, 2013

Birthday Parties We Have Had or Been To

Me - Birthday parties, wow! I had a party where we made cupcakes. I once had an arts and crafts party when I turned 7. I had a couple of Karaoke parties. I didn't really like those that much, but everyone else seemed to.  I had a couple of parties when I was young where we brought in entertainment. The first time we brought in an entertainer called Mr. Scott. The second time we brought in an entertainer called Miss. Dylan. Aurella also had Miss. Dylan at two of her parties. This past year, Aurella had a Bounce U party. It was a lot of fun. Before, when a lot of Girls in my Girl Scout troop kept having parties there, I didn't like it. Now I do though. Aurella has also had a Build-a-Bear party, and once she had a Dora craft party when she used to love Dora the Explorer. We have both had cooking parties where we made pizza and cupcakes. I once went to a Halloween themed birthday party. That was fun. We all wore costumes.  I once went to a Hawaian themed party. That was fun too. I went to a few karate parties. I went to parties where we painted ceramics.  All of those were fun also. I have been to lots of gym parties and even had a few myself. When I was really little I even went to a princess and pirate party. All in all, I have rarely ever gone to a party I didn't like.

Mom - When I was young I had a pizza party. That was when going to someone's house and eating pizza could be a whole party not like now when eating pizza is just part of the party. I had a swimming party. It was indoors because my birthday was in the winter. I had a couple of sleepover parties. I had a movie party. We went to see a movie called Jonathan Livington Seagull. I went to a lot of roller skating parties but I never had one. Melia has had home parties where we brought in singers to sing with and entertain the kids. She has had home parties that were karaoke parties. She has had cooking parties. She has had gym parties.She has also had an art party. Aurella has also had home parties where we brought in singers to entertain, gym parties, cooking parties, and art parties. She has also had a Build-A-Bear party. When Melia was little we once went to a party at an amusement park. My stepson once had a Mad Science party. A couple times he had bowling parties and once he had a roller skating party. Once he even had a minor league hockey party at the ECHL Trenton Titans. At that party, he got to meet and get autographs of several players. However, there was no birthday cake. Over the years, we have been to some birthday parties that were pretty extravagant. We always had birthday parties that were pretty simple. Now, it seems like a lot of people are going back to simpler birthday parties. I don't think anybody can really afford those really extravagant parties anymore. Besides, who really needs them when simpler can be just as nice and just as fun.

And that's our view. What is the most memorable birthday party you ever went to or had?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.