I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Theater Thursday - Sugarcraft

We received complimentary tickets to Sugarcraft for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own. 

What: Sugarcraft

Where: 59E59 Theatres
             59 E. 59 St.
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 16 and Up

When: Through March 15. 2025

From the moment you enter the space and are given a character name and bio, you are completely immersed in the 18th-century world of Sugarcraft. However, if you don't enjoy participatory theater don't let that scare you, the participation aspect doesn't go further than that.  The show is a culinary delight and a pleasant and diverting historical play. Although, it is not strictly based on a true story, it was inspired by a historic cookbook. Julie Congress is charming in the leading role of Mrs. Mary Eales, a talented confectioner, who introduces ice cream to the court of Queen Anne. The cast also includes Erin Lamar and Steven Conroy who excel equally in several roles. Conroy is particularly amusing as Lady Dupry with her crazy oversized wig large enough to hide things in. Ariana Cruz and Lilybeth Linda Guzman round out the cast alternating in the role of Mary's sweet young daughter. 

The show is quite cleverly staged. When you enter the theater it looks like an art gallery with a selection of paintings on the wall. However, the artwork and lighting cues help keep track of specifically where we are in the story in a fun and interesting way. 

Although the story can often be light and amusing, there are darker moments. As a woman living alone in Georgian times, Mary does what she must to get by, especially in one instance which makes the show unsuitable for young children.

If you are worried about a show focusing on the preparation of delicious food making you hungry, don't despair. After the show, audience members are invited to partake in a generous helping of ice cream specially prepared for the production by Ample Hills Creamery. For some, this may be the best part of the event although the show itself is quite enjoyable as well.

And that's our view. Unfortunately, the entire run of Sugarcraft is sold out. For more about the show or to find out if there is any sort of waiting or cancellation list, visit 59e59.org/shows/show-detail/sugarcraft/ or call (212) 753-5959

Tune in Saturday for Still More Theater Saturday.

Photo credits: 
All Sugarcraft production photos by Grant Hao-Wei Lin

Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image,  contact us hereand we will look into the matter.

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