I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Tip for Tuesday: The Plus One & Serendipty: A History of Accidental Culinary Discoveries

We may have been given complimentary copies and/or access for review purposes to any products, and/or visual or audio media mentioned below. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Books: The Plus One & Serendipty: A History of Accidental Culinary Discoveries

Today we are recommending The Plus One by Mazey Eddings. Indira and her brother's best friend, Jude always hated each other, but they agree to fake a relationship when Indira has to face her cheating ex at her brother's wedding. They quickly find themselves falling for each other for real. However, Jude is due to leave shortly for another posting in some far-flung war zone or crisis area to satisfy the terms of his medical school loan.

As in her previous books, Eddings does a terrific job highlighting a particular mental health issue in this book. This time it's PTSD which Jude suffers from due to the things he's seen as a result of his various medical postings.  Eddings really does a great job of depicting what it's like for a person with this condition. 

Through the character of Indira, Eddings also does a great job of showing how a person can be helpful and supportive of a loved one dealing with PTSD. Indira's relationship with Jude is really touching. Of course, as a psychiatrist herself, she is more used to dealing with various health issues than the average person. She is a good role model not only for the way she handles her loved one's mental health but in the way she prioritizes her own mental health as well. 

If you are a fan of Mazey Eddings's books, you will enjoy catching up with favorite characters from her previous books throughout this book. However, if you haven't read any of her other books before, you can still easily enjoy this one. Even though the books clearly follow each other in time each book revolves around a different couple so they don't necessarily have to be read in order to be enjoyed.

Today we are talking about Serendipity: A History of Accidental Culinary Discoveries by Oscar Farinetti. This book purports to be about the surprising origin of many foods and drinks. However, the problem is the origin of many of these products is not really completely clear, In fact, the exact origin of many of the products mentioned in the book is often in dispute. 

To his credit, Farinetti is quite clear about when a food or drink's origin is in question and he sometimes even provides alternate theories of how a product was invented or discovered. He also brings in an expert on each food or beverage to comment on that product and its origins which adds to both the enjoyability and credibility of the book. All in all, it's a fascinating read and there are even a few recipes thrown in as an extra added bonus.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

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