I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, August 3, 2020

I'm glad they invented ...


Me -

 I'm glad they invented TVs because I love watching them in my free time.

I'm glad they invented my favorite TV shows.

I am glad they invented electric lights because they make seeing easier.

I'm glad they invented Mp3s because I can bring my favorite songs everywhere with me, and listen to what I want whenever I want.

I'm glad they invented language because I love to talk. 

I'm glad they invented singing because I love to sing.

I'm glad they invented food especially cupcakes and mac and cheese because I like to eat.

I am glad they invented board games because even though they are kind of old fashioned, I still enjoy them.

I am glad they invented DVRs because it makes it easier to catch up when I miss my shows.

I'm glad they invented DVDs because I get to keep movies and TV shows and watch them whenever I want.

I'm glad they invented CDs because I get to listen to the music I like whenever I want.

 I'm glad they invented shoes and clothes because they are pretty and practical.

I'm glad they invented microwaves because they make cooking easier.

I'm glad they invented toys because even though I don't actually play with them anymore, all of mine are special to me.

I'm glad they invented mattresses because people used to sleep on beds of nails.

I'm glad they invented blankets, heaters, and warm clothes for cold weather.

I'm glad they invented swimming pools, bikinis, and fans (ceiling and handheld,) for warm weather.

I'm glad they invented pillows for comfort.

I'm glad they invented agriculture because that led to civilization.

I'm glad they invented movies for fun.

I'm glad they invented earrings because they are pretty and fun to look at.

I'm glad they invented books because reading is one of my favorite things.

I'm glad they invented so many different shades of so many colors because many of them are very pretty.

I'm glad they invented Broadway because I love going to Broadway and Off-Broadway shows.

I'm glad they invented cameras and video cameras because they help capture memories.

I'm glad they invented texting because I love getting in touch with my friends so easily.

There are so many things I'm glad they invented including these and others, so I guess what I'm trying to say is thank-you scientists and all you other inventors.

Mom -

I'm glad they invented shoes., I'm glad they invented earrings. I can never have too many of either of them.

I'm glad they invented so many different shades of purple. It is and always has been my favorite color.

I'm glad they invented books because I love to read.

I'm glad they invented movies although sometimes when I see a particularly stupid one I might not be as happy about that.

I'm glad they invented TV shows at least some of them.

I'm glad they invented live theater. Whether you are in a show or in the audience of one there is nothing like it. 

I'm glad they invented computers. I love being able to look things up at the touch of a button, and it makes it so much easier to keep in touch with people.

I'm glad they invented e-readers. It makes it easier to read even more books because I can carry around so many at once.

I'm glad they invented tablets and smart phones so I can check my e-mail and look things up when I'm on the go.

I'm glad they invented DVRs so I can watch TV on my time.

I'm glad they invented  MP3s so I can carry around all my favorite songs (and I have quite a few favorites songs).

I'm glad they invented microwaves because I don't like to spend a lot of time cooking.

 I'm glad they invented board games like Trivial Pursuit so I have something to do with all the trivia running around in my head.

I'm glad they invented heaters and air conditioning because even with them it gets plenty hot enough and cold enough so I would hate to be without them.

I'm glad they invented singing because our family loves to sing all the time.

I'm glad they invented cookie dough ice cream, oreo cookies,and all those delicious things. I am kind of not happy about that too because there are so fattening and it is so hard to resist them.

I am glad they invented so many things, too many things to name them all.

There are so many great things in the world already I wonder what they could possibly come up with next.

And that's our view.  What are you glad they invented?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Photo credits:
photo credit1: espensorvik TV, Television and remote controller - stock photo via photopin (license)
photo credit 2: kgroovy Watermelon cupcake take 1 via photopin (license)Life via photopin (license) photo credit3: Will Folsom Life via photopin (license) 
photo credit 4: code_martial Gotta Install Microwave Ovens via photopin (license) 
photo credit 5: yumiang Wicked Playbill and stub via photopin (license) 
photo credit 6: Ken Mattison Happy Valentine's Day! via photopin (license) 
photo credit 7: Someone's Name Blue Starfish Earrings via photopin (license) 
photo credit 8: unmatchedv MP3 Player via photopin (license) 
photo credit 9: Rob Boudon Oreos Wallpaper via photopin (license)