I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, May 25, 2020

Monthly Mashup for May, 2020 Books and Graduation

Me - My topic for this month is books. When I was young, I didn't really like to read that much. However, when I was in about sixth grade, I began to enjoy reading,  and  I have loved books ever since. I like actual books as opposed to e-books. E-books make my eyes burn. I don't know why because my eyes don't usually burn just from looking at a screen. My favorite genre is fantasy. My favorite type of fantasy books are ones with really cute romances in them. I also like fairy tale fantasy a lot. I like more magic type fantasy and not super hero fantasy. I also like fictional stories based on mythology. I am especially interested in Greek mythology, but I've read books related to Roman mythology and Norse mythology too. I am going to read books related to Egyptian mythology, but the library has been closed so I haven't been able to get them. I like books that are actual myths too and not just fictional stories based on myths, but I prefer when they are modernized because they are easier to read and understand. I have six favorite book series. My favorites in order are all of the Percy Jackson and related series, the Land of Stories series, the Harry Potter series, An Unfortunate Fairy Tales series, the Mortal Instruments series, and A Series of Unfortunate Events.  I just loves books! Books are magical!

Mom - My topic for this month is graduation. When I was a student I never much liked graduations. They were long and boring and also a little bit sad. I was never particularly sad to be leaving a school behind (except when I graduated college), but each time I graduated I was not just leaving a school behind but a part of my childhood too. However, I appreciated the sense of closure that graduation gave me. For my older daughter, it's different. She is genuinely sad to be leaving high school behind. Although she was not looking forward to graduating and leaving her friends and favorite teachers, she was looking forward to the graduation ceremony and having a chance to say goodbye. Now, she may never get that chance. There is going to be a virtual graduation, but there may never be a real one. A virtual graduation cannot possibly compare to a real one. There is still a possibility that somewhere down the road there may be some kind of in person graduation at least that's what the school claims now. However, I'm not sure that there ever will be. We are not just now starting to be allowed to have socially distanced gatherings of  very small numbers of people. As time goes by the likelihood of there being any real graduation will be less and likely because as life hopefully goes more and more back to normal people will start to move more and more into the next phase of their lives. However, my daughter has already lost so much these last few months. She has not been able be in school with her friends and favorite teachers, and she will never have a  senior trip or a senior prom and more. For her sake, I hope they are eventually able to have some kind of real graduation, and she can at least have one more day to spend with her friends and teachers and have a chance to say goodbye.

And that's our view. What's on your mind?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Stay well! Stay safe!

photo credits:
photo credit1: Elsie esq. Reading for bad weather via photopin (license)
photo credit 2: H. Michael Miley Conant Graduation 2015 23 via photopin (license)

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