Me - Olate Dogs was a really interesting and funny show to watch. Olate Dogs is a father and son with their dog act. They won American's Got Talent. The dogs were so cute. I liked all the dogs, but there was this one really cute little one named Loco. The did all kinds of fun tricks with the dogs. There was this one section of the show where they played all different songs and dressed up the dogs in different costumes, and the dogs were doing tricks. Some of the tricks they did were they danced. they walked on their hind legs, and one even hopped on his hind legs. One dog rolled over the people and they jumped over each other too, That was really cool! They also did some other things in the show. I didn't really like the other things as much as when the dogs were doing their tricks. Even though I have seen dog acts in the circus and stuff before, I have never been to a dog show before. The show was really cool though, and I would really recommend seeing Olate Dogs.
Mom - We don't watch America's Got Talent so we had never heard of Olate Dogs before we saw them at iPlay America. However, we really enjoy seeing them. Everyone in our family loves dogs so even if all the dogs did was sit on stage and look cute, we still would have gotten some enjoyment out of the show. Of course,they were really cute, but there was so much more to the show than that. The dogs danced, and hopped and jumped. They slid down a slide. One of them rode on a scooter. They wore cute costumes and danced. They had girl dogs dressed in cute little dresses and hats, and boy dogs dressed in pants and shirts. All the costumes were so colorful and all the dogs danced and performed to different songs in different costumes. They even had a doggie conga line. The dogs performed a bunch of other tricks too. There was more to this show than just a dog act. The people performed too. The father did a sort of clown act with one of the dogs and a comedy act with another. The son sang, and he and his wife juggled. His wife also did tricks on a bicycle and on a couple of different sized unicycles. The highlight of this show was the dogs though, of course, Anyway, who loves dogs or animals in general would enjoy seeing Olate Dogs. Anyway, who likes going on rides playing games and watching entertaining shows would enjoy iPlay America. For more about Olate Dogs go to and for more about iPlay America go to
What is the coolest thing you have ever seen a dog do?
Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday
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