One Good Friend Deserves Another
, wow! This is a book about four women who have been friends since college and their romances. They all have romantic problems. Dhara is agreeing to an arranged marriage because she is upset with her old boyfriend. Kelly is having a secret romance. Wendy is not sure she wants to go through with her engagement. Marta spends too much time concentrating on her job and not enough on her romantic life. I liked all the characters. However, at times it was hard to keep track of all the additional characters because there were so many. Sometimes, I liked the way the main characters behaved; sometimes I didn't. Out of all their boyfriends, my favorite was Sudesh, Dhara's financee. The other ones were kind of annoying at times. At the end only one couple was still together. I thought that more couples would end up together. I would have liked to know more about what happened to the other girls romantically in the future. My favorite thing about the book was what good friends the girls were to each other. Some day, I hope to have friends as good as that.
One Good Friend Deserves Another
was a good book. It was the story of four best friends from college and their romances. Of course, romance did not go smoothly for any of them. Dhara lets her family push her into an arranged marriage even though she is not really completely over her last love. Kelly is secretly dating one of her friend's brothers, a guy who is totally out of her class. Marta tries to arrange her social life as strictly as her business life and fails miserably. Wendy is too busy living her life the way she is expected to instead of living it the way she wants to. All the girls grew and changed and learned things about themselves as the book went along. The one thing that remained true throughout the book was their deep friendship. It is very lucky to have a group of friends as loyal as these girls are to each other. That was my favorite part of the book. I also liked that the end of the book was unpredictable. I usually assume that in a chick lit romance like this everyone is going to end up happy and in relationship. However, in this book while all of the characters end up fairly happy only one of them is actually still in relationship. I would have liked to find out what happened to the other characters after the book ended. The book was good, and I enjoyed it. However, in general I like a little more closure than the end of this book provided. It was fun to read, and over all, I would recommend it though.
And that's our view. Do you have a long time group of friends like the women in this book, and if so how long have you been friends?
Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.