I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Food

Me -Thanksgiving food, wow! I don't like Thanksgiving food. I don't like turkey usually on Thanksgiving I have meatballs, ham or chicken instead. I don't like gravy. I have never had it because it looks strange. I would have nothing to put it on anyway because I don't like turkey.I have never actually had cranberry sauce, but I don't want to try it. It looks too weird and kind of squishy. I only like cornbread stuffing. I don't like regular stuffing. I used to like sweet potatoes very briefly. Now, I don't. They are a little too sweet. I used to like Pumpkin Pie too, but I don't like it any more either. I really don't like pie at all except Boston Cream Pie which is not really pie anyway. I do like mashed potatoes. That is the only Thanksgiving food I like. I like to eat other foods for Thanksgiving. I like to eat meatballs. I like to eat corn pudding. I like to eat apple sauce. I also like to eat potatoes like I already mentioned. For dessert, I like to eat black and white cookies, cookie cake, fruit salad if there is any and Brownies if there is any. We usually have an ice cream cake. I like that too except for the icing. Even though I don't like most of the traditional Thanksgiving foods, I still enjoy my meal on Thanksgiving.

Mom - For many people, Thanksgiving is all about the food.  For me, not so much. I mean I enjoy the Thanksgiving meal. I just don't enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal.  I don't like Turkey. I don't like gravy. I don't like cranberry sauce. I don't like most stuffing. I don't  like sweet potatoes. I don't like pumpkin pie. In fact, I don't like most foods that can be considered traditional Thanksgiving fare.A lot of those foods, we don't even have at our Thanksgiving meal. We always have turkey, but there is always an alternative to turkey. Sometimes, it is chicken or roast beef. Sometimes, it's stuffed shells or ziti or something else. We usually do have potatoes just not sweet potatoes. We usually have twice baked potatoes or mashed potatoes both of which I love. In fact, I love most kinds of potatoes twice baked potatoes, regular baked potatoes, mashed potatoes about the only kind of of potatoes I don't like are sweet potatoes. We usually have corn pudding which I love. We don't usually have pie at all. We are not big pie eaters in our family. There is always plenty of dessert though. One thing we usually always have is an ice cream cake. We have a lot of birthdays in our family right around Thanksgiving. Besides, we just love ice cream especially ice cream cake. For me, there is no better way to end the Thanksgiving meal.

And that's our view. What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal?