I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, September 3, 2012


Me - Pillows, wow!  I love pillows. I have two pillows. One time when my Mom and Dad got pillows, I insisted that I needed one too but I never used it. I like a firm pillow, but not too firm. I don't like them too squishy or too hard. I like my pillow pets better than my regular pillows. They are more fun to look at and more comfortable. However, I always use my regular pillow with my pillow pet otherwise it is too squishy. Right now,  I have three pillow pets. I have a lamb that I got from my cousin for my birthday once. I have a unicorn that my Dad got me from Five Below. I also have a panda that I got for a holiday gift. Every night I sleep with my unicorn pillow. I first had my lamb and then my unicorn and then my panda. I used to try to sleep with all of them at the same time. However, my bed wasn't big enough to use all three of them. I hope to get more pillow pets.

Mom - It so hard to find the perfect pillow. Some are too hard and others are too soft. When I try to sit up in bed and lean on pillows, I can never get comfortable. I can never get the right amount of pillows and the right degree of height. After a while, my head always ends up hurting because it is too hard. It is either too hard because the pillows are too hard or because the pillows are too soft, and I start feeling the wall behind them. My husband and I have a king size bed, but we keep three regular size pillows on it instead of two king sized ones. I sleep on one. He sleeps on one. Our cat sleeps on one. She has been sleeping on a pillow next to me since she was a baby even before my husband and I were married or even a couple. When she was a baby, she would never sleep on her pillow during the day only at night. Sometimes during the day, I would sit up using my pillow and her pillow, when she was ready to go to sleep, she would meow at me until I put her pillow back so she could lie down on it. Now, that she is older she sometimes lies on her pillow during the day too. When she wants to lie on her pillow, if somebody else is lying on it or things are in her way, she will meow or just stand there and stare at us until everything and everybody is moved out of the way of her getting to her pillow. Once, I didn't like the pillow I had so I tried to trade pillows with my cat. She knew it was not her pillow, and she would not sleep on it until put her pillow back. I hate new pillows. They always have to be broken in until they get comfortable. Once I got this new pillow, and I got my husband to sleep on it, when it got broken in and it got comfortable, I took it back. He never lets me forget about that, and I could never get him to do that again.

And that's our view. What kind of pillow do you prefer?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.