Me - Intrepid Operation Slumber was fun. When you came in and went to the area where you would be sleeping, they had welcome signs for every family and group. It was cool. They never had anything like that before on any of the sleepovers we went to previously. We went on a tour but it wasn't a whole tour because that would take too long since the ship is so big. We just went to about four different stops on the tour. There was a model of the ship that someone had made entirely out of Legos. It was really really amazing! I used to play with Legos when I was younger, but I could never make something like that. I can't believe somebody actually took all the time and effort to make it. There was a 4D movie. It was really cool. It was stories of the Intrepid. They food was really good. They served snack at night and breakfast in the morning. There was so much stuff I liked. I ate too much and got really full. They had sugar cookies including ones that said "Intrepid" and had the Intrepid logo. They had chocolate chip cookies. They had apples. For breakfast they had, bagels and cereal. The breakfast was good but not as good as the snack. All in all, I had a lot of fun at Intrepid Operation Slumber, and I really recommend that you go.
Mom- There is plenty to do at Intrepid Operation Slumber. When you arrive, you are given time to explore the Space Shuttle Pavilion. When you visit the Intrepid and you are not attending a sleepover, visiting this pavilion costs extra. After visiting the Space Shuttle, there is a mandatory orientation. This orientation not only explains the rules while you are on the ship, but tells you what activities are available for you to participate in during your visit. Not all areas of the ship normally open to visitors are open during overnights. However, each participant in the sleepover is given a free pass to return to the Intrepid during regular operating hours within 60 days. During Operation Slumber, there is really no set schedule until lights out. You can choose what activities interest your family or group and participate in them. Not everything is open the same hours though so you are given a schedule of what is available when as well as a map which indicates where each activity is located. The papers also provide a description of each activity in case you forget what they are. Activities available include movies about the Intrepid, Intrepid tours, and hands-on activities. There is a even a pop-up planetarium where you can learn about how different groups in different countries and different areas of the world depict the constellations differently.I don't think the planaterium is available during daytime visits to the Intrepid. Dinner is not provided at Intrepid Operation Sleepover, however, a night-time snack and breakfast are provided. Cots are provided for sleeping but you have to bring your own sleeping bags, sheets and/or pillows. The sleeping quarters are indoors, and they are allegedly temperature controlled, but the night we were there it was kind of cold although the weather outside had not gotten especially cold yet so we would recommend bringing warm sleeping bags, blankets and/or pajamas. At the end of your visit in addition to the passes to return to the Intrepid within 60 days, all youth participants are given goody bags which include t-shirts. Operation Slumber is open to families and other organized youth groups. For more information or to register for Operation Slumber go to For more about the Intrepid in general go to our previous post Where-To-Go Wednesday- Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum and/or visit
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.
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