I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, February 24, 2025

More Theater Monday - A Letter to Lyndon B. Johnson or God: Whoever Reads This First & Gil Scott - Heron's Bluesology

We received complimentary tickets to A Letter to Lyndon B. Johnson or God Whoever Reads This First for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are own.

What: A Letter to Lyndon B. Johnson or God: Whoever Reads This First 

Where: SoHo Playhouse
             15 Vandam St.
              New York, NY 

When: This event took place from February 8 - February 22, 2025

A Letter to Lyndon B. Johnson or God: Whoever Reads This First revolved around two boys coming of age during the Vietnam era. This was not a show that moved along linearly but rather through a constant stream of stories relayed by the two characters as they bounced, jumped, and threw themselves at each other and around the stage. Thus it was like a circus act and a show in one. Although all the moving around did emphasize and make it believable that the characters were two young boys, it could also be somewhat dizzying and sometimes make the story hard to follow. Yet, the two performers who portrayed these characters, Xhloe Rice and Natasha Roland, did such a terrific job inhabiting them that it completely drew the audience into the story.

And that's our view. 


We received complimentary tickets to Gil Scott-Heron's Bluesology for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: Gil Scout-Heron's Bluesology 

Where: SoHo Playhouse
             15 Vandam St.
             New York, NY

When: This event took place from February 3 through February 23

Gil Scout-Heron's Bluesology was a loving tribute to the late American jazz poet, singer, and musician by his daughter, Gia who was joined by spoken word artists, Poets Jazz House. Although some biographical details were shared, the show mostly emphasized Scott-Heron's own poems and songs which even today are so incredibly timely that only a word or two here or there had to be tweaked to make them completely relevant to today's world.

The audience was given shakers as they entered the theater and told to use them instead of clapping. This really strengthened the connection between the performers and the audience. Thus, the event quickly evolved into a lovefest between the two groups joyously celebrating the late entertainer and activist. 

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Photo credits:
All A Letter to Lyndon B. Johnson or God Whoever Read This First photos 
by Morgan Mcdowell
All Gil Scott-Heron's Bluesology photos 
by At - N Ausara-Lasaru

Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image,  contact us hereand we will look into the matter.