Thursday, February 27, 2025
Theater Thursday - Juliet A Revenge Comedy
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Where-To-Go Wednesday - Anne Frank The Exhibition
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Tips for Tuesday - Books: Swordheart & The Secret History of Audrey James; Music: Romantics Anonymous Live Cast Recording
We may have been given complimentary copies and/or access for review purposes to any books, products, and/or any other visual or audio media mentioned below. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.
Books: Swordheart & The Secret History of Audrey James
Halla was an enjoyable protagonist to read about. She was inquisitive, intelligent, and strong. The love interest, Sarkis, was also a compelling character, and I liked his protectiveness over Halla. However, there were moments when it felt like both Halla and Sarkis were acting younger than their ages. They were supposed to be in their mid-thirties but sometimes they felt almost like teenagers. This didn't necessarily take away from my enjoyment of the book but it was something worth noting.
The romance that blossomed between Halla and Sarkis was sweet and it was entertaining watching them both pine for each other throughout the story. Their emotional connection was not the strongest I've seen but there was chemistry, and the banter between them was also good.
My biggest complaints about this book were the ending and the pacing. The end felt so abrupt I thought I had somehow skipped a few pages. It almost felt like the author was setting up for a sequel, but I don't believe that's the case. As for the pacing, it was slow at times, and I found myself wishing for more action. However, even in the slower moments, I was still intrigued enough by the story to keep reading.
Overall, this wasn't groundbreaking but it was a fun read. If you're a fan of cozy fantasy romance and this story appeals to you, I'd say give it a try.
Book images used in this post are our own. All other photos have been sent to us by publicists, artists, and/or PR firms and are used with permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, contact us here, and we will look into the matter
Monday, February 24, 2025
More Theater Monday - A Letter to Lyndon B. Johnson or God: Whoever Reads This First & Gil Scott - Heron's Bluesology
Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, contact us here, and we will look into the matter.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday Scoop Week of 2/23/25 What's Happening This Week and More
The American Dream by Juan Ramirez, Jr. – is about a hopeful immigrant named Corina, as she makes her way across the U.S. border with the help of a smuggler, Efren, only to discover she must pay more than expected for her freedom. It is a tense, timely drama that questions the cost of the American dream. The play is directed by Maria Mileaf and features performances by Juan Ramirez, Jr. (Broadway of The Bronx) and Libe Barer (Carly Bowman in “Sneaky Pete”).
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Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR 15) Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre Announces Designer Exhibition and Panel Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 6pm |
Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre announces their Designer Exhibition and Panel on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 6pm at Amanda Selwyn Dance Studio, 412 Broadway, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013.
Take a peek into the design development process of Selwyn’s long-time collaborating artists with an interactive exhibition and panel discussion with: Dan Ozminkowski, lighting; Anna-Alisa Belous, costume/scenery; Joel Wilhelmi, sound; and Rob Dutiel, scenery.
The event will begin with an exhibit preview from 6 to 7pm, followed by the panel discussion at 7pm and reception at 8pm.
7-Day Performance based Program
SHOW 1 - Ages 9-12 NEW FOR 2025!
SHOW 2 - Ages 13-18
Dates: Monday, July 7 - Sunday, July 13
Times: 10:00am - 4:00pm [Show 1] 10:00am - 4:30pm [Show 2]
Location: Baruch Performing Arts Center - 55 Lexington Ave.
Program Fee: $1395
SUMMER STAGE is a 7-day performance based theater program in New York City. Students cast in the SUMMER STAGE will have the opportunity to be part of a workshop style production of a cut-down version of new musical. On the first day of the program, students will be part of “Role Placement” where they will re-audition for for the creative teams and be placed in a role/track in the show(s). Following placement auditions on day 1, students will find out what roles they are playing and begin rehearsals.
- Slate your name, age before your begin to sing
- Sing one musical theater song that shows off your vocal ability and personality
- Keep your song selection under or around 1min 30sec
- Use a pre-recorded musical track or live piano (please avoid singing acapella for your audition)
- Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo
- Fill out the Video Submission form on where you will add the link to your video!
Check out or
For more information or to submit audition, go to
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This internship will invite all hired interns into a welcoming, open, supportive learning space to discover how the theatre industry operates through the lens of marketing and advertising in an environment that is safe and open with mentorship support from the BTU Rise committee and many of BTU’s founding members.
The internship also includes joint programming with premiere companies such as Polk & Co., iHeart Media, and the New York Times to name a few.
All undergraduate students are welcome to apply for placement in this program. Interns will be hired as full-time employees of one of the companies and as such will be paid $16/hour. Housing is also provided for each intern at St. John’s University’s beautiful Queens campus in apartment style living. Apartments are a 5-minute walk to train stations and a 40 min train/25 min car ride to the heart of Times Square. Each intern will receive an unlimited MetroCard for the summer that can be used for both the MTA bus and MTA subway system. To add to the richness of the summer experience, interns may be invited to theatre industry events on a voluntary basis and receive complimentary tickets to Broadway shows, attractions, and other events.
The eight-week Broadway Marketing Internship program begins Monday, June 16, 2025 through Friday, August 8. There are eleven spots available for the program. To apply please visit: https://www.
For more information, please visit
Fathom Entertainment and Warner Bros. Discovery have partnered to bring back to theatres the iconic films for Harry Potter fans and movie-lovers alike, the first-ever title in the Fathom Fan Favorites collection, with more planned for 2025 later this year. Fathom Fan Favorites is a new theatrical series that will feature films from iconic franchises and be screened in movie theatres nationwide throughout the year.
The Harry Potter film series theatrical return of the first four films will include the franchise’s first 4DX theatrical screenings in 4DX motion seats (beginning February 27) in more than 5 years, plus the U.S. theatrical premiere of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (UK version) in 3D.
Screenings will include exclusive introductions by cinema legend Leonard Maltin, sharing unique insights for each of the Harry Potter films.
Tickets for the Fathom Fan Favorite Harry Potter film series can be purchased online at Fathom's Harry Potter page, or at participating theater box offices. The complete schedule for the “Fathom Fan Favorites: Harry Potter” series:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
February 27 (4DX)
Based on the first of J.K. Rowling’s popular children’s novels about Harry Potter, the live-action family adventure film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone tells the story of a boy who learns on his 11th birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses unique magical powers of his own. Invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. At Hogwarts, he finds the home and the family he has never had.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (UK version) in 3D
February 27 (4DX)
Based on the first of J.K. Rowling's popular children's novels about Harry Potter, the live-action family adventure film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone tells the story of a boy who learns on his 11th birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses unique magical powers of his own. Invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. At Hogwarts, he finds the home and the family he has never had.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
February 28 (4DX)
Harry Potter's adventures continue...
After a long summer with the horrid Dursleys, Harry Potter is thwarted in his attempts to board the train to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to begin his second year. Harry's only transportation option is a magical flying car, but, unfortunately, it crashes into a valuable (and clearly vexed) Whomping Willow.
Still, all this seems like a day in the park compared to what awaits Harry that fall within the haunted halls of Hogwarts. Chilling, malevolent voices whisper from the walls only to Harry, and it seems certain that his classmate Draco Malfoy is out to get him. Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at the school. The mysteriously gleaming foot-high words on the wall proclaim: "The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir, Beware." But what exactly does it all mean? Harry, Hermione, and Ron do everything that is wizardly possible--including risking their own lives--to solve this 50-year-old, potentially deadly mystery.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
March 1 (4DX)
Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban ... and he's coming for Harry Potter!
Harry, Ron, and Hermione return as teenagers for a third term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But Harry's fate, and that of the entire community of wizards, looks bleak when the infamous Sirius Black--convicted of abetting evil Lord Voldemort by killing 13 people with a single curse--escapes from prison. The only clue to where Sirius is headed: The Azkaban guards heard Black muttering in his sleep "He's at Hogwarts ... He's at Hogwarts."
Now, even within the walls of his magical school, Harry may not be safe from a convicted killer in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 20th Anniversary
February 23; March 2 (4DX)
It's Harry Potter's fourth term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
Harry, Ron, and Hermione look forward to the international Quidditch finals. Harry dreams of spending time with the alluring Cho Chang. He wants to be a normal 14-year-old wizard . . . But Harry is not normal--even by wizarding standards.
This term, for the first time in hundreds of years, a competition will be held between three schools of wizardry, and contestants will be magically chosen for the very dangerous event. Now, as Harry's lightning scar burns, indicating the evil presence of Lord Voldemort, the Goblet of Fire makes its final selection for the competition--Harry Potter.
Emerging Artists Theatre (EAT), is proud to announce the lineup for their Spring Spark Theatre Festival NYC. During the 3 week festival, over 65 new works will be premiered including new musicals, dance, solo shows, cabaret, and plays in various stages of development. Performances run March 3 - 23 at 312 West 36th Street, 3rd Floor (The Chain).
The Spring festival features a wide range of diverse shows featuring timely topics such as lgbtqia identity, AI, women empowerment, mental illness, caretaking, climate change, politics, love and connection, and the legacy of past icons. Over 200 artists will be featured in the spring festival.
Shows run nightly, with multiple performances taking place over the weekend. Short talkbacks with the artists will follow some of the performances. Tickets are between $20 - $35 and are currently on sale at
For more information and schedule or to purchase tickets, visit
In TADA!’s brand-new 4-week summer camps, young performers will bring Seussical Jr. and Shrek The Musical Jr. to the stage. In addition, campers can sign up for the ever-popular Week-Long Musical Theater Summer Camps to create and perform original mini-musicals all summer long. The best part? Campers can mix and match to create a summer experience that is tailored to create their very own fun-filled summer-long adventures.
Register now to take the stage! TADA! Youth Theater is thrilled to debut Education Onstage, a brand-new 4-week summer camp where students will perform in the Music Theatre International Broadway Jr. productions of Seussical Jr. and Shrek The Musical Jr.
Camp takes place at TADA! Youth Theater, 15 West 28th Street, in the 2nd floor off-Broadway TADA! Theater in Manhattan. Children, ages 6 through 12, attend camp Monday through Friday from 9AM-5PM. Campers may perform in Seussical Jr. from July 7th through August 1st and Shrek The Musical Jr. from August 4th through August 29th.
Campers will experience every step of the production process from auditions and rehearsals to tech and the final performance. Along the way, young people receive invaluable musical theater training from professional Teaching Artists, focusing on character development, vocal performance, and Broadway-style choreography.
Show-stopping moments bring the worlds of Seussical and Shrek to life, while building confidence and delivering a performance that is worthy of the spotlight! On the final day, children shine in their off-Broadway debut on TADA!’s stage.
For registration information, please visit
Interested families can attend a Summer Open House to see the space, take a sample class, and learn more before registering. For Open House information, please visit
TADA! Week-Long Musical Theater Summer Camps
From June 16th through August 29th, TADA! also offers week-long musical theater summer camps where children create and perform a brand new mini-musical every week. They write it, rehearse it and perform it -- in just five days! Unleash your inner star, share your voice, and let the storytelling begin! Join us for a week of laughter, creativity, and applause! Family and friends are invited on the last day to attend the premiere of the campers’ original mini-musical.
Campers are divided by ages 5 through 7 and ages 8 through 12. Young people are given a show title as a jumping off point including Ready, set…SUMMER!, Eat. Sleep, BROADWAY, Dancing Through Life—and loving it!, The Show Must go On!, Defying Gravity! and So Apparently, I’m Dramatic.
No child will be turned away because of their inability to pay. Financial assistance is available. For more information, please visit Financial Assistance.
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Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR 23) Works & Process presents Ballet Hispánico: Tango with Alejandro Cervera, Graciela Daniele, and Matthew Neenan 7pm in the Peter B. Lewis Theater Rotunda Dance Party: Tango 7:45pm in the Rotunda Monday, March 3, 2025 The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Avenue, NY Works & Process at the Guggenheim presents Ballet Hispánico: Tango with Alejandro Cervera, Graciela Daniele, and Matthew Neenan, on March 3, 2025 at the Peter B. Lewis Theater, 1071 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10128 at 7pm followed by Rotunda Dance Party: Tango in the Rotunda at 7:45pm. Tickets start at $25 and can be purchased at https://www.worksandprocess. Ballet Hispánico’s Choreographic Institute takes center stage at Works & Process in a program presented in conjunction with the Guggenheim exhibition Harmony and Dissonance: Orphism in Paris, 1910–1930. This special event delves into the dynamic artistry of tango, showcasing excerpts from choreographers Alejandro Cervera, Graciela Daniele, and Matthew Neenan. Witness how the fluid, circular forms and electrifying tension of tango intertwine with the vibrant works of Orphist artists like Sonia Delaunay. Ballet Hispánico Artistic Director and CEO Eduardo Vilaro will lead a discussion with the choreographers, illuminating the synthesis of movement and visual art. After this one-night-only performance in the theater, head upstairs to the rotunda for an exclusive performance by Ballet Hispánico, followed by an interactive dance lesson with NYCity Tango Collective and a social dance for all. Ticket purchase includes admission to the Tango Rotunda Party with Ballet Hispánico and NYCity Tango Collective at 7:45 pm, in partnership with the Guggenheim’s Member Mondays. XXX And that's the scoop. Tune in tomorrow for More Theater Monday. Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, contact us here, and we will look into the matter. |