What: Heart of the Park Tour
Where: Central Park
Tours starts in front of the Samuel F.B. Morse statue inside the park
at 72nd St. and
Fifth Avenue
New York, NY
Who: All ages
When: Check web-site at www.centralparknyc.org/events/parent-events/heart-of-park-tour.html for schedule

Mom's view: Another fun and free tour offered by the Central Park Conservancy is the Heart of the Park Tour. During the Heart of the Park Tour you will visit many of the park's most iconic locations including the Alice in Wonderland statue, the Han Christian Anderson statue, Loeb boathouse, the Bethesda fountain, Bow Bridge, Strawberry Fields and more. Please note, however, that you will not go inside the Loeb Boathouse nor will you go across Bow Bridge. If you are interested in crossing the bridge because Finn and Rachel did in Glee, like my daughter, than you will have to do so on your own time, but you will not have time to do it during the the tour which moves along quickly. On the Heart of the Park Tour, you will learn a lot of interesting facts and information about the locations you are visiting and about the Central Park in general. The tour is approximately 90 minutes long but doesn't feel nearly that long. Although there is no specific age limit, this is probably not a good tour for very young children who will probably prefer to linger by such locations as the Alice In Wonderland and the Hans Christian Anderson statue where they can have fun climbing all over the statues. Older children especially those that are interested in learning more about Central Park and visiting some well known places in the park may enjoy it, however. It is also not a good tour for anyone who has trouble walking long distances or for long amounts of time. It is a great tour for anyone who only has a limited amount of time and wants to get a quick overview of many of the most historic locations in Central Park.

For more about the Heart of the Park Tour and other tours offfered by the Central Park Conservancy, visit
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater. Thursday.
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