I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Me - Valentine's Day, wow! I like Valentine's Day. For Valentine's Day, I get cards for my Mom and Dad and my sister. I don't really have a boyfriend to get a card for and Valentine's Day isn't really romantic for me. When we were younger, we gave each other cards in school. Then, you have to give cards to everybody even people you don't like. In third and fourth grade, I refused to give out Valentine's because I really hated this boy in my class and didn't want to give him a card. I still don't like that boy, but he hasn't been in my class for a while. My parents and my sister and sometimes my grandparents always give me a card. My parents always give me a little gift or some candy too. Sometimes, they give me candy and a gift. I like gifts.They are usually stuffed animals. They are usually really cute too. One year, I got a stuffed bear. I still have it. I love Valentine's Day!

Mom - When I was young, once or twice, my Mom and Dad got us gifts for Valentine's Day, and they always gave us cards. Of course, we always gave cards to each other in school too at least until we got to Middle School. Sometimes, when I was older and particularly down on men, my best friend and I would go see man bashing movies for Valentine's Day. However, Valentine's Day was never as meaningful  to me as it has been since I have been with my husband. We always exchange cards and gifts. We don't always get to go out though. Sometimes, when we don't get to go out, we at least put the kids to bed and then have dinner by ourselves. My husband never gives me flowers because he's allergic to them. Sometimes, he gives me chocolate, and I usually give him chocolate. I love chocolate, but these days I am trying not to eat fattening things as much. I am not always very successful at this because I am a chocoholic, and I have an extreme sweet tooth. I always give my kids cards and little gifts for Valentine's Day too. I used to get them candy, but I am trying to stay away from that now. The last couple years I have gotten them little stuffed animals instead. They love that. They would like it if every holiday was a gift giving occasion. I would like it every holiday was as peaceful and happy as Valentine's Day usually is.

And that's our view. What is your favorite thing to get or give for Valentine's Day?

Tune in