I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

TV Then and Now

Me- When I was young, my favorite show was Jo-Jo's Circus. I  watched  all  those little kid shows  except Dora the Explorer.  I never especially liked that show but my sister loves it. My parents  always joke that it is Dora's world, and we all just live in it.

Now all,  I watch is Disney channel  Glee, and Full House. Every time my mom tells me that she has news, I ask "Is it about Full  House? Is it about Glee?"

Full House is my  favorite show every time someone says something it  reminds me of  something that happened in Full House. I also like to pretend that I am the  characters.

Glee is a show that my mom, my dad, my sister, and  I all like.  I  hope  that  Finn  and  Rachel get back together and  he  and  Quinn  have no part of  each  other. I  also hope that Sam stays with Quinn and not Santana. They can't  put a bad  girl  with a good boy!

As for,  Disney,  I don't  know how it  happened  but  somehow I got hooked. The only shows I  do  not  like on Disney Channel are Fish Hooks, I'm in The band, and Kick Buttowski.

Mom- When I was very young, we had about seven different TV channels and not everyone had color TV. There were no specialized channels like sports channels or movie channels or kids channels or whatever. If you missed a show, maybe you could catch the rerun, but there was no such thing as DVR or even a VHS nor could you go online to watch an episode of  a show that you missed. A show would have to run a certain number of episodes before it would go into syndication, and you could see old episodes every day of the week. Late at night, there was actually a time when there was nothing on TV but old movies and infomercials and stuff like that.

When I got a little older, our town was about the last one to get cable. There were a lot more channels and a lot more options but not necessarily more good options for what to watch. I mean, I am not a snob who says I don't watch anything but educational TV or anything like that  (although I am not too fond of reality shows), but  I am sure I never even watch more than half of the channels we receive in our house. In fact, there are four of us in the house, and each of us watches about two or three channels regularly. Even if you assume that there is no overlap in the channels each of us watches (which actually is not the case), that would still only be 12 channels we normally watch out of hundreds available to us. So more choice doesn't necessarily mean more good choices.

And that's our view. Tune in again for another Talking Topic..

photo credit1: wuestenigel Remote control  (Fernbedienung) via photo
photo credit 2: x-ray delta one 1960 ... down under TV! via photopin (license)
photo credit 3: Robert Couse-Baker this is the video of affliction via photopin (license)

1 comment:

  1. I love "Full House!" I'm just waiting for the DVD set of the whole series to go on sale one of these days.
    I also love "Glee." The Valentine's episode was so cute!
