Saturday, February 26, 2011
Me -When I was born, my family already had a cat. She wanted me to get the hell out of her house. For two whole months, she would not go near my mom. As I grew older, and started feeding her and giving her attention, she thought 'Hey might as well give this person a try.'
A while back, I had a bird. She was named Frances. She was selfish. All she ever did was eat. In fact, I don't think she even slept. Every time I went to feed her, I was afraid she'd bite me. After only two weeks, we got rid of her because I was afraid of her, and she was messy. I was sad but moved on quickly.
Around that same time we got a guinea pig. We called her Daisy May. Her cage was by the window. A few weeks afterwards, she died from the cold.
We got a new guinea pig named Olivia She is now three years old and will hopefully live a long happy life. For a while, I was going to get a fish because I couldn't get a cat. One day my dad was talking to someone who happened to be giving away cats so my dad got me one. He always chased our first cat. Also, even though he ate the same kind of food as her he only wanted her food.
I have always wanted a chimpanzee. My sister and I both want one. Probably, she just wants one just because she always copies me. I have always wanted a dog too. Everyone I know has one. I want a dog more then anything in the world! Aurella (my sister) and I always like to pretend that one of us is a dog and the other one is the owner.
Mom - Over the years, I have had many different kinds of pets. When I was a child, we had fish, both tropical fish and goldfish at different times. The fish were boring. We had turtles. We got rid of the turtles when we found out you can get diseases from them.
We also had dogs. The first dog chewed up the furniture. He didn't last too long in our house. The second dog we had for about 6 years. He was more my dog than anyone else in the family's. However, the problem with dogs is that it is a pain in the neck having to walk them all the time. Dogs always seem to get into things too, and they are more interested in people food than their own. Our dog was always running away too even though he always came back.
When I was older, I had a couple of rabbits. My first rabbit was the most amazing animal I have ever known. He was friendly like a dog, but not over the top friendly. He was also self sufficient like a cat. I mean we still had to feed him and all, but he bathed himself and didn't need attention all the time. He also didn't eat our food (except the occasional carrots and other vegetables that we gave him). My other rabbit was afraid of her own shadow. She spend most of her time hiding.
As an adult, I have had guinea pigs. Despite, what people say about guinea pigs being gentle and being good pets for little kids, we have not ever had a guinea pig that you can be sure would never bite anybody (and we have had six of them at different times over the years). Also, they have been known to try to eat our clothing and other things, and they are messy.
We have also had a couple of cats. My first cat is going to be 15 in April. I have had her since she was a baby. She is not over over the top friendly, but she loves her family. Unlike a dog though, she wants to be friendly and have attention only when she wants to. We used to have another cat that was over the top friendly, but he was actually a bit overly friendly and wouldn't leave us alone for a minute. Also, he was always attacking our other cat, and when he got mad at us he would dig his claws right into us on purpose, which was one of the more painful experiences I have had in my life.
When I was a kid, I always wanted a chimpanzee, but of course, I never had one. After I heard about that chimpanzee that ripped off that lady's face, I think maybe it is good that I never had a chimpanzee.
Overall, it might seems like I am focusing a lot on the downside of having pets and maybe I am, but I don't mean it that way. I have loved every single one of the pets I have had over the years (except maybe the fish), I wouldn't have traded the experience of having any of them. I can't even remember back to a time in my life when I didn't have any pets, and I can't conceive of a time in the future when I won't have any.
And that's our view. Tune in again for another topic.
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we had a lot of pets too:
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