Mom - Motherfreakinghood is a hilarious take on motherhood that anyone who has ever been a mother, had a mother or even known a mother can relate to. The show revolves around a group of three woman who meet at the obstetrician's office during their pregnancies, and become friends for life. It takes them through all of the ups and downs of having and raising kids including pregnancy, birth, babyhood, elementary school age, teenagers right through high school graduation. It is filled with funny but terrifyingly relatable songs such as Ballad of the Post Partum, Hormones on Parade and Teenage Driver Hell Zone. The show goes beyond where others dare to show the realities of motherhood but it does so in affably funny way. It will have you wondering if the writer's have been spying at your house and why didn't you think of trying to make money by putting your life on stage. This is definitely not a show for children due to language and subject matter. However, for Mom's it should be a must-see especially if you just want to know that other people out there are going through the same things as you, and to be reminded that there is a lighter side to it all. It will make you feel like part of the Motherfreakinghood.

For more about Motherfreakinghood visit www.motherfreakinghood.com
Mom - Freedom Riders is about the struggle for civil righs and the pivotal role the Freedom Rides played in that struggle. While this is an important subject and certainly worthy of a musical, this particular musical is a little too earnest. It is very very serious from start to finish, and every song is like an anthem. However, even a show dealing with a subject as significant as this one needs a little levity in order to keep the audience interested. Otherwise, it just becomes a lecture.We never really get to know the characters in the show. The only ones that get developed at all are the famous ones like Diane Nash, Martin Luther King Jr. and John Seigethaler so the audience doesn't really have anybody to relate to. This is a musical that has important things to say and that is admirable. However, perhaps a slightly different approach would serve to get things across in a better way.
For more information about Freedom Riders: The Civil Rights musical visit www.freedomridersmusical.com
And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for this week's Sunday Scoop.
Photo credits: All Motherfreakinghood productions photos by Jeremy Daniel
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