Mom - My feet are small but my sister-in-law's are even smaller. She has to special order shoes or shop in the children's department. I would really hate that because I love shoes, and I love to go into the store and pick them out and buy them. I do like to walk around barefoot sometimes, but I really really love shoes. Most shoes are not that comfortable on my feet though at least not for a long time. At least, most of the shoes I like and own are not comfortable on my feet for a long time and I don't even wear long spiky heels or anything like that. I never really get pedicures or paint my toenails. I probably should though sometime because the bottoms of my feet always feel really rough. For about a year, I was having problems with my foot and my heel kept hurting me, and I couldn't always put my foot down without pain when I walked. My daughter was in kindergarten, and we walked to the school every day, and I would be half limping all the way there and back. I finally went to the doctor for something entirely different, and she gave me a prescription to have my foot x-rayed, but then miraculously my foot started feeling better. I haven't had the problem since. Although I never knew for sure, I always thought it was caused by not wearing proper shoes when I was treadmilling. I always used to wear these thin little white sneakers I had. Now, I always make sure I am careful about the shoes I wear when I go on the treadmill, and I don't wear shoes that are too thin. After all, it is always good to be able to put one's foot down both figuratively and literally.
And that's our view. Shoes off or shoes on which do you prefer and why?
Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.
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photo credits 1: aussiegall via photopin cc
photo credit 2: shannonkringen via photopin cc
photo credit 3: katiew via photopin cc