I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Me -  Summer, wow! I would be really excited for summer except for the fact that my Mom is going to put me to work. I just want to sleep and rest all summer long. My Mom wants me to work and get everything done like cleaning out my closets and drawers and stuff. I am looking forward to going swimming and taking a bunch of day trips. I am planning on reading a lot of books. I always read a lot of books anyway. During the summer, I can earn things by reading by doing summer reading programs. In previous years, I have earned books, shirts, water bottles, and free ice cream  among other things. I have even earned ten dollars each of the past three years from TD bank. I will also spend a lot of time playing with my sister, Aurella, and we will try to get plenty of fresh air and maybe go to the park at my school sometimes. I am really looking forward to the summer which for me starts tomorrow.  I can't wait for school to be over!

Mom - Tomorrow is the last day of school for my girls. I am really looking forward to summer break. I am hoping to get a lot of things done this summer. I always say that but I never get as much done as I plan. I am also looking forward to not having to stick to a routine as much as we do during the school year. I am looking forward to not having to get up at a certain time. I am looking forward to taking many day trips with my family, trips to places like baseball stadiums and museums and amusement parks. I am looking to forward starting a new feature on our blog called Where To Go Wednesdays where will talk about the placer we go to. I am looking forward to go swimming in our neighborhood pool (we haven't been there in around 3 years even though it's right up the street) and in the pool in my mother's neighborhood. Maybe, we will even get to the beach this year, we haven't been there in a few years either. I am not a big fan of sand. I am looking forward to warmer weather. Well, maybe not so much that, it is warm already, and it gets much too warm much too fast. I don't really like the heat. That is the worst part of the summer. Thank goodness, for air conditioning, and I am so grateful that ours is now fixed before it gets really really hot.

And, that's our view. What are you looking forward to this summer?

Tune in tomorrow for Funny Friday.