I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Gift Giving and Getting

Me - Presents - wow! I love getting presents almost as much as I love giving presents. I love buying presents for my family and friends. Every year, they have a gift fair in school where I get presents for my friends and family. For myself, this year, I'd like to have some one adopt me a blond haired newborn baby girl. However, since I am not going to get that, I would like any DS or WII games that involves babies. I'd also like seasons 5 through 8 of the TV series Full House. I want a Kindle Fire, but I will be getting that for my birthday which is in January. I would like a Barbie house because I have a doll house, but it is too small for the Barbies. I would like some new dolls and stuffed animals. My grandmother thinks I have too much already, but I think you can never have too much. Besides, a  couple times a year my sister and I go through and get rid of and donate toys we don't want anymore. I would also like other DS games besides baby games. I would also like other WII games like Glee Karaoke 2 and 3. I am sure there are many other things I want, but I can't think of them now.

Mom - When I was younger, the holidays were more about the getting. Since I have gotten older and had kids of my own, it has become more about the giving. I especially love buying  gifts for my girls.I am grateful that with money and Amazon gift codes  I earn from doing surveys and stuff, I am able to get them so much more than I would otherwise. I know just what they would like and have so much fun shopping for them. I started buying gifts for them in September and was finished in early November. I bought almost everything on-line. I like the holiday time so much better since I started shopping on-line. Those crowded noisy stores at this time of the year are enough to drive the holiday spirit right out of a person.  I also buy gifts for my two nephews and two nieces and my honorary nephew, my best friend's son. Our family doesn't really exchange gifts anymore except for getting gifts for the kids. My girls always each get me something like a candle or a bracelet or a pair of earrings or something from their school gift fairs.I am so proud of them. I didn't buy presents for other with my own money until I was much older than them.  My husband and I exchange gifts but not always on the holiday. It depends whether we have the money or not. Most of the time, we just tell each other what we want and get it. Once in a while, when we really know what the other would want, we surprise each other, but we never guess what the other wants. This year, I would really like an Amazon Kindle Fire. I do not make a big list of gifts I would like because I do not get a lot of gifts. Anyway, if I don't get a Kindle Fire now that I am done buying gifts for my girls with my Amazon gift codes, I will save them up and
eventually I will get one for myself. Lately, there have been a lot of blog hops where Kindle Fires were being given away as prizes so far I haven't won one, and I don't really expect to so for now I will keep saving up my Amazon gift codes.

And that's our view. Tune in Friday for another topic.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this article! Really nice job!! Do you know what would be perfect for a gift or a giveaway related to fashion? The MinxNY slipper socks They are ao style and comfort at the same time...you are going to love it!!
