I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, October 13, 2014


 Me - Electronics wow! Something really super duper exciting happened to me a few years ago. When I went to Six Flags Great Adventure, they had tons of claw machines. There were some with pillow pets, i-pod touchs, i-pod shuffles, Kindle Fires, and other electronics. I played  the claw machine with the i-pod Touchs in it. I figured I probably wouldn't win, but I hoped I would. I actually won an i-pod Touch! I couldn't believe it and neither could my family. I loved my i-pod Touch. I later got another newer i-pod Touch for my birthday, but I lost it on a bus. I also have a DS. I use to play it all the time, but I don't as much anymore. I still have a lot of games though. I have a computer. I play games and download music, and look things up. I have a Kindle to read books and play games. I love reading  and playing games.I also have a Kindle Fire. I have a phone, but it is not a smart phone. I am getting a smart phone though. I would like have a portable DVD player. My sister has one, and my Mom and Dad have one for the whole family, but I would like to have my own. I love electronics!
Mom - We all know we live in the age of electronics. Of course, I could probably live without my electronics if I had to, but frankly, I don't really want to. I love my mp3. I love being able to pick and choose 100's of songs I like and carry them around with me wherever I go on this tiny little device. When you listen to whole album, lots of times there are at least a song or two which you don't like. This way there is not. I love my DVR. I am not at all interest in what is on, I only want to watch what I want to watch when I want to watch it. I know this has gotten even easier now that you can watch TV shows on desktops, laptops, tablets, phones and various other ways. However, for me, even though I sometimes watch shows on my computer, I still prefer watching them the old fashion way on the TV just not necessarily at their regularly scheduled times. I love my DVD because I love being able to own movies and watch them whenever  I want without having to download them and/or watch them on my computer or something. I love my Kindle because I love being able to carry around a ton of books without actually having to carry around a ton of books. Also, I like being able to get books at the touch of a button without even having to go out of my house. I love my computer, my Kindle Fire, and my smartphone because I love to be able to get information I want on anything no matter where I am (well within reason, of course, when I don't get that dreaded no service or no connection message). I know I could probably live without any of these things, and for most of my life I did. However, now that these things do exist, and I don't have to live without them, why should I? The trick is to not let them take over my life. That is something I am definitely better at sometimes than others.

And that's our view. What electronics could you not live without?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

photo credits:
photo credit 1: maury.mccown via photopin cc
photo credit 2: wrumsby via photopin cc
photocredit 3: prdamrcn via photopin cc
photo credit 4: maury.mccown via photopin cc
photo credit 5: edans via photopin cc

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