Me - The Illusionists was a fun show. It was about magic. It was really cool. I liked the ones that talked to the audience better than the ones that didn't. I especially liked the Trickster, the Futurist and the Unusualist. I liked that they used a lot of audience participation, and they were funny. It was really cool when the Unusualist asked a women to pick a card from an invisible deck of cards, and he was still able to guess the card that she picked. I liked when the Trickster did a trick with an egg in a bag. He picked this woman out of the audience to help and took her and her husband's watches without them knowing. I liked when the Futurist did a trick where he took a guys phone and it looked like he blended it up in a blender, and then it showed up in a surprising place. The Unusualist made shadow puppets including one of Louis Armstrong that really looked like Louis Armstrong. The Daredevil set himself on fire while he was hanging upside down in straight jacket. He escaped and got a fire extiniguisher. It was surprising and exciting that he could do that. I liked the trick the Anti-Conjuror did with birds but I didn't like the one he did with a quarter. The quarter trick was gross. I didn't like the Manipulator or the Deceptionist because they didn't talk to the audience. Over all, it was an unbelievable show and you should see it.*

*The above is a guest post by little sister, Aurella.
We were given free tickets to That Physics Show for review purposes, Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.
That Physics show doesn't have a story to it. It was a fun way to learn science. I was excited because I finally got picked to participate when I had been waiting all day through the two other shows we went to that day. I got to hold the end of rope slinky while the guy shook it. I liked that the show was general admission seating so we got to sit in the front row. He quickly pulled a table cloth off a table full of stuff and nothing fell. I tried that at home, and I was able to do it too. I liked when he put a lighter under a balloon with helium and then under a balloon with hydrogen. The balloon with hydrogen blew up. Right after he did that, I turned to my mom and said "It smells like Channukah." It was funny when he made his assistant's hair stand up. He put a hotdog and then flowers in liquid nitrogen. They got really hard. He threw them against the wall. They broke into a lot of pieces. It was cool! I wish I could throw a hot dog against the wall. They gave out rainbow glasses, and it was fun looking at the colors and how they looked different in different elements. It was a good show. If you don't want to miss out on the fun, go see it before it closes in January.**
**The above post is a guest post by little sister, Aurella,
photo credits:
The Illusionists photos see above.
That Physics Show photos Donnell Culver
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