Where: 1 Seeing Eye Way
Morristown, NJ
Who: Ages 16 and Up
The Seeing Eye is the premiere dog assistance training organization in the United States for the blind and visually impaired. It has been in existence since 1929. While this is not a place you can just drop in and visit anytime, they hold prescheduled educational programs three times a month. Participation in one of these programs does require registration and payment of a fee.
Educational programs are held at their main Washington Valley location in Morristown, NJ. This is where students receive and train with their new dogs. There are also two other locations a downtown Morristown training center for owners and their dogs and a breeding center in Chester, NJ. Neither of these locations is open to visitors.
On a visit to The Seeing Eye, you will learn a little about the organization's history and background. You will receive a limited tour of the facility. You will also see a training demonstration and meet some dog handlers, trainers, and instructors.
You may even meet some puppies. If you do, you may only pet and interact with puppies that have not yet begun training. You are not allowed to interact with dogs that have begun their training and/or especially dogs that have already been paired with a student.
And that's our view. For more about The Seeing Eye or to find out when they will be having their next educational program and/or to sign up for one, visit seeingeye.org/about-us/visit-us or email info@seeingeye.org
Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.
All pictures used in this post are our own. If there is a problem with any image, contact us here and we will look into the matter.
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