I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Theater Thursday - The Butter and Egg Man

We were given complimentary tickets to The Butter and Egg Man for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own. 

What: The Butter and Egg Man 

Where: Bernie Wohl Center
             647 Columbus Ave.
             New York, NY

Who: Recommended for Ages 13 and Up

When: Through June 23, 2024

The Butter and Egg Man is a show written by George S. Kaufman.  Its plot revolves around a couple of producers looking for a rich sucker to bankroll their play only the sucker they find isn't as rich as they think he is. The show was originally staged on Broadway in the mid-1920s. However, don't let its age fool you, it has remained popular over the years with New York stagings as recently as the 2000s. It has also been adapted into at least six different films. It remains quite entertaining for today's audiences without major changes. The characters and situations are both quite amusing. 

Out of the Box Theater Company does a nice job with the show. The show is well cast and the performers do a fine job with their roles. Andrew Kaplan in the role of Peter Jones is worthy of particular mention. As a replacement performer, he stepped into his role quite late in the process, and although he carried around the script throughout the second act,  his performance was still a standout.

The entire show was a joy right down to the scene changes as between-scenes entertainment provided an extra added bonus. All in all, it was a delightfully fun evening of theater.

And that's our view. Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop post.

Photo credits:
All The Butter and Egg Man production photos by Bob Johnson

Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us hereand we will look into the matter.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tips for Tuesday - Books: Cash Delgado Is Living the Dream & The Calculation of You and Me , & Movie: Princess Halle & The Jester

Wmay have been given complimentary copies and/or access for review purposes to any books, products, and/or any other visual or audio media mentioned below. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Books: Cash Delgado Is Living the Dream The Calculation of You and Me

Me - Cash Delgado is Living the Dream by Tehlor Kay Meija follows the story of the titular character, a single mother who manages a bar in a small town. When her former hookup, Chase, returns to town with plans to open a franchise that will likely put her bar out of business, she must fight to save it, all while grappling with questions about her sexuality when she begins to have sexual dreams about her best friend, Inez.

I thought this book was a romance but it read far more like general fiction with a subplot of romance. The primary focus was on Cash’s struggle to save the bar as well as her exploration of her sexuality. Yes, that exploration was driven by her developing feelings for Inez, but the romance between them barely existed until past the 60% mark. The majority of the romance felt far more told than shown. Cash’s inner monologue went on at length about how attractive Inez was, how much Cash wanted her, and how deeply Cash felt for her. However, the interactions shared did not exhibit those things at all. I never believed that these two felt anything for each other besides friendship. The chemistry and tension were nonexistent and, as I said, the only development between them happened internally. Given that we did not get Inez’s perspective, almost everything we knew about their relationship was just told to us in Cash’s head which made it very difficult to care about this couple or Inez as a character. It felt like she didn’t exist as her own person outside of her role in Cash’s life. 

That said, I did enjoy Cash as a character. Her motivations, desires, and feelings were always clear and she felt like a fully fleshed-out person. I also loved her relationship with her six-year-old daughter, Parker. Parker was sweet and funny and acted believably for a child her age. The mother-daughter relationship they shared was my favorite part of the book. 

This book wasn’t for me, but I think it was well-written. The pacing was a little slow in the middle and, as I said, the romance was underwhelming, but if you’re looking for a very introspective story about a single mother figuring out who she is and what she wants in her 30s, I would recommend giving this one a try

Mom - Today we are recommending The Calculation of You and Me by Serena Kaylor.  When Marlowe is almost paired with her ex-boyfriend, Josh for an English project, the new boy, Ashton Hayes comes to her rescue. Soon, Marlowe discovers his love for romance novels and enlists him to help her win Josh back. 

This is an extremely enjoyable novel. At first, the character of Marlowe is rather annoying. It is infuriating how desperate she is to get back a jerk like Josh, who is clearly unworthy of her love in the first place. He makes her think that she is not good enough. 

On the other hand, it is clear from the beginning what a good guy Ashton is. He clearly cares about Marlowe much more than she even realizes at first. Their relationship grows slowly and sweetly. The more it grows, the more Marlowe's confidence grows and she comes into her own and becomes a better person and a more likable character

Both main characters in this novel could easily be dismissed as less than worthy, unimportant, or not good enough by many people. Marlowe is neurodivergent. Her brain doesn't work like other people's She is unnaturally obsessed with math, she tends to ramble on about things like mushrooms, and more. Ashton is a gothy teen who dresses in black and wears eyeliner. However, the author fully fleshes them out in a way that takes away their otherness and makes them relatable.  

The book is also full of a lot of terrific secondary characters. They include Marlowe's two best friends, her mom, her dad, her stepdad, and her younger sister. All of them are extremely supportive of Marlowe. Their presence in the story and their great relationships with her serve to make what was already a good book even better and more satisfying to read

Movie: Princess Halle & The Jester 

Today we are talking about Princess Halle and The Jester. In this film, a princess must join forces with a jester to save the kingdom when it is overrun by goblins, and the king is kidnapped on the eve of his remarriage. In the process, she also learns to relate to the plight of the common people.

This film is not put together in the best way.  It often feels like the characters are standing in front of backdrops and not actually inhabiting the story. Also, some of the performances aren't good.  However, it is a unique and interesting take on the familiar tale of the princess and the evil stepmother and the two young leads have good chemistry.

Princess Halle and The Jester is available on DVD or to purchase or rent digitally now.

And that's our view. Due to circumstances beyond our control, Where-To-Go Wednesday will be closed this week. Tune in Thursday for Theater Thursday.

Book images used in this post are our own.  Film images have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us hereand we will look into the matter

Monday, June 17, 2024

More Theater Monday - The Roger Rees Awards For Excellence in Student Performance

We were given complimentary tickets to the Roger Rees Awards for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: The Rogers Rees Awards for Excellence in Student Performance

Where: Gerald W. Lynch
             524 W. 59th St.
             New York, NY

When: This event took place on May 19, 2024

The 2024 Rogers Rees Awards took place on May 19, 2024. This event is the New York area precursor to the Jimmy Awards, the National High School Musical Theater Awards. Previous winners who went on to win a Jimmy Award include last year's winner Lauren A. Marchand and most famously, Andrew Barth Feldman.

This year's event included 70 nominees from 13 counties across New York. It was hosted by Bonnie Milligan. who recently completed her run in Kimberly Akimbo and is now starring in City Center Encores! production of Titanic. 

The talent of the competitors was awe-inspiring as always. Ashlee Fucarino of Wantaugh High School in Nassau and Isaiah Baston of Bay Shore Senior High School in Suffolk were chosen winners for their roles as Lucy in Jekyll and Hyde and Father in Children of Eden respectively. The alternates and winners of the Emerging Artists award were Rosabella Procario-Soler for the role of Alice Bean in Titanic (ironically the same role Milligan is currently playing) and Anthony Lerro for his role of Jekyll and Hyde in Jekyll and Hyde. The latter pair will represent the region in the Jimmys if either of the winners cannot participate. 

Other award winners previously chosen were highlighted at the event. They included New Faces of 2024, Scenic and Costume Designers, and Student Reporter. 

And that's our view. For more information about the Rogers Rees awards go to rogerreesawards.com

This year's Jimmy Awards will be held next Monday, June 24, at the Minskoff Theatre. The event will also stream for free on YouTube and Facebook. For more information about that or to find out how to purchase a ticket to the event go to www.jimmyawards.com/news

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Photo credit: Rebecca Michelson

Images used in this post have been sent to us from publicists, artists, and/or  PR firms and are used by permission. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us hereand we will look into the matter.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Giveaway: Win a copy of the Strange Case of Dr. Doyle in the Dad-O-Mite Giveaway Hop!

Welcome to the Dad-O-Mite Giveaway Hop

hosted by Mama the Fox

The Strange Case of Dr. Doyle is a combination of fiction and nonfiction. It is partially a biography of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and partly a fictional account of Doyle and a group of others traveling to locations relevant to the Jack the Ripper killings trying to solve the case. Although Doyle does not come off very well in the book, it is still a fascinating read. For more about this book, see our previous post Tips for Tuesday - Books: The Strange Case of Dr. Doyle. Enter to win a copy below.

Giveaway Dates 6/15 - 6/30

Giveaway Open to Ages 18+ US

a Rafflecopter giveaway Once you have entered our giveaway, hop around to the other blogs listed below to see what other great prizes you can enter to win.

Disclaimer: Hosts and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors and self-sponsoring bloggers who do not fulfill prize obligations. Please also note that we have been having a huge problem with people not following giveaway entry requirements and/or claiming to follow our blog and/or any of our social media and not actually doing so. Accordingly, please remember that following all instructions for any and all giveaway entries is mandatory in order for that entry to count. Entries will be checked and those that do not follow all instructions will be disqualified. Please do not claim entry for following our blog, Twitter, or whatever if you do not actually do so. If you consistently enter our giveaways claiming to be a follower of our blog and/or social media and you are not you will be disqualified not only from any chance of winning our current giveaway but also from any chance of winning any future giveaways. If you do follow our blog and/ or social media, don't let your entry be disqualified be sure to leave your follower name and/or the exact name you commented under. 

All pictures used in this post are our own. If there is a problem with any image, please contact us here and we will look into the matter.

Sunday Scoop Week of 6/16/24 What's Happening This Week and More

A) Beginning Performances 

1) The Butter and Egg Man

2) Let's Tidy Up

3) The Masque of Night 

B) Cast Recordings

4) The Heart of Rock and Roll

C) Extended Runs

5) Cats the Jellicle Ball

6) Sleep No More

D) What Else is Happening This Week and More

7) Bonnie & Clyde The Musical:  Filmed On Live to Stream on Demand
Beginning 6/24

8) Brooklyn Children's Museum Celebrates Juneteenth 

9) Chelsea Music Fesitval 
6/21 - 6/29

10) El Museo De Barrio Celebrates Museum Mile Festival

11) Gingold Group Presents Special Benefit Performances of The Portrait of Mr. W.H.
at Symphony Space 6/24

12) Lincoln Square Free Lunchtime Concert Series
Starts 6/19

13) Maestra Celebrates Fifth Anniversary With Special Panel Discussion

14) Manayunk Arts Festival
6/22 - 623

15) Pridefest 2024 
The Tank 6/21 - 6/30

16) Queer the Ballet and Baruch Pac Presents Dream of a Common Language 
6/21 - 6/23

17) South Street Seaport Launch and Learn Sunday Sails
June Through September

18) South Street Seaport Presents whale fall abyss by Mayfield Brooks
Free Immersive Theatrical Experience 6/10 - 6/22

19) Teatro Grattacielo Celebrates 30th Anniversary With Gala Concert

20) Two River Theater New "Pro Series" for Teens Taught By Industry Pros

A) Beginning Performances 

Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR

1) The Butter and Egg Man

George S. Kaufman’s uproarious comedy takes a sidesplitting look behind the scenes of the theater world. According to Wictionary, in 1920s slang a “butter and egg man” was a “prosperous dairy farmer (or other wealthy rural citizen) … coming into the big city and ostentatiously living it up.” In this play, he is a novice from Ohio, armed with nothing but a hefty inheritance and a dream of making it big on Broadway. But navigating the cutthroat world of theater isn’t easy, especially when you’re as green as grass and twice as naive. From shady producers with dollar signs in their eyes to temperamental divas with egos the size of Manhattan, the intrepid protagonist encounters a cast of characters as colorful as a Broadway marquee.

Bernie Wohl Center (647 Columbus Avenue)
6/18, 6/20 -6/23

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.showtix4u.com/event-details/84437

Courtesy of David Darr PR

2) Let's Tidy Up

Ground-breaking showrunner and comedian Josh Thomas makes a much-anticipated return to live stand-up in 2024 with the New York premiere of his brand-new show.

SoHo Playhouse (15 Vandam St.) 
Through 6/23

For more information or to purchase tickets , visit www.sohoplayhouse.com/now-playing/josh-thomas

3) The Masque of Night 

THE MASQUE OF NIGHT seamlessly blends Shakespeare’s iconic text with chamber music and songs by David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Rufus Wainwright, and original compositions by Musical Director Flavio Gaete. The four actor-musicians will transport the audience to the very heart of the iconic lovers’ timeless journey. 

Casa Clara  (218 E 25th St.)
6/21 - 6/22

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.newplaceplayers.org.

B) Cast Recordings

Courtesy of DKC & O&M

4) The Heart of Rock and Roll

Set in 1987 and jam-packed with Huey Lewis megahits like “Do You Believe in Love”, “Hip to Be Square” , and “If This Is It”, The Heart of Rock and Roll centers on a couple of twenty-somethings on the cusp of their futures—Bobby, a rock and roller who’s traded his guitar for the corporate ladder and his boss Cassandra who’s always put the family business first. When they both get a second shot at their dreams, it’ll take “The Power of Love” and a little help from their friends — to figure out what kind of life they really want. 

Cast Recording of the Broadway musical The Heart of Rock and Roll available now on all music streaming services. 

For more about The Heart of Rock and Roll and/or to purchase tickets, visit  


C) Extended Runs

5) Cats the Jellicle Ball

This PAC NYC production (Bill Rauch, Artisic Director, Khady Kamara Nunez, Executive Director) is a radical reimagining of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s iconic dance musical Cats based on Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot.  Inspired by the Ballroom culture that roared out of New York City over 50 years ago and still rages on runways around the world, it will be staged as a spectacularly immersive competition with all new Ballroom and club beats, runway ready choreography, and an edgy eleganza makeover.  Come one, come all, and celebrate the joyous transformation of self at the heart of Cats and Ballroom culture itself.

PAC NYC  (251 Fulton St.)
Now closing 6/28
Opening Night 7/28

Courtesy of DKC/O&M

6) Sleep No More

The site-specific, immersive experience that introduced an entirely new art form to -- and forever changed -- New York’s theatrical landscape.

McKittrick Hotel (530 W. 27th St.)
Now closing 9/29

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.mckittrickhotel.com

D) What Else is Happening This Week and More

Courtesy of Print Shop PR








MONDAY JUNE 24, 2024






Producer David Treatman announced today that Bonnie & Clyde The Musical: Filmed Live will be available to stream on demand beginning 9AM EDT / 2PM BST on Monday June 24, 2024. Pre-orders for the highly anticipated filmed version of the concert can be made now at www.bonnieclydelive.com.

Filmed live at Theatre Royal Drury Lane in January 2022 during two special concert stagings, Bonnie & Clyde The Musical: Filmed Live features Jeremy Jordan (The Great Gatsby, Waitress), who originated the role of Clyde Barrow in the 2011 Broadway production. He is joined by Frances Mayli McCann (Heathers; Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) who originated the role of Bonnie Parker in the West End.

Pre-orders for Bonnie & Clyde The Musical: Filmed Live can be made now at www.bonnieclydelive.com.


8) Brooklyn Children’s Museum Celebrates Juneteenth With a Day of Fun Activities at Brower Park on June 19

North Crown Heights Community Organizations will host Juneteenth in Brower Park: Books of Liberation, a special commemoration to celebrate the Juneteenth holiday, in Brower Park on Wednesday, June 19. The day will feature live music, dance, workshops, performances, and art projects.


The event will be presented in partnership with Friends of Brower ParkBrooklyn Children’s Museumthe Brooklyn Conservatory of MusicBrooklyn Public Library – Brower Park Librarythe Crown Heights North AssociationCampaign Against Hunger, More than a Meal, and Repair the World Brooklyn. There will be a performance by Brooklyn United Marching Band, a presentation by author Alliah Agostini, a story time lead by Laleña Garcia, and a musical performance by Tahira Clayton. Food from CG’s Fish and Chips will be available for purchase on site.


The celebration is free and open to all. Brooklyn Children’s Museum will be open for regular admission throughout the day.


WHAT:            Juneteenth in Brower Park: Books of Liberation


WHEN:          Wednesday, June 19, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

WHERE:        Shirley Chisholm Circle

                       Brower Park, Kingston Avenue and Prospect Place

                       Brooklyn, NY 11213


Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR

9) Chelsea Music Festival

June 21 - 29, 2024


10) Upcoming Family Events at El Museo De Barrio

Museum Mile Festival

Museum Mile Festival

TUESDAY, JUNE 18 | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM | FREE

Join us for a night of fun at the Museum Mile Festival at El Museo del Barrio! El Museo's celebration will feature outdoor art-marking activities for everyone to eniov. inspired by El Museo's exhibitions live musical performances, and gallery tours.


Courtesy of Print Shop PR


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Gingold Theatrical Group (GTG) (David Staller, Artistic Director; Isaiah Josiah, Managing Producer) will conclude the 19th season of Project Shaw with Oscar Wilde’s The Portrait of W.H. Inspired by the works of George Bernard Shaw, Project Shaw is a special series of Script-In-Hand performances that aim to provoke peaceful discussion and activism. Each performance is followed by a lively post-show discussion with the cast and director. Directed by Mark WaldropThe Portrait of Mr. W.H. will be presented at Symphony Space’s Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre (2537 Broadway at 95th Street) on Monday June 24, 2024, at 7PM. To learn more and reserve tickets, visit tinyurl.com/WILDE24.


The cast of The Portrait of Mr. W.H. will feature Charles Busch (Ibsen’s Ghost: An Irresponsible Biographical Fantasy), Jay O. Sanders (Purlie Victorious), Thom Sesma (Dead Outlaw), A.J. Shively (Philadelphia, Here I Come!).


Oscar Wilde’s notorious short story The Portrait of Mr. W.H. theorizes who Shakespeare might truly have written his infamous Sonnets about. In Wilde's hands, the inspiration for the world's most famous poems is a beautiful young actor in Shakespeare's company. A portrait has been found! Can it be the young man? In attempting to prove this theory, a pair of men face their most secret fears and even death. Gingold’s David Staller has adapted this short story to celebrate the kickoff of New York City Pride Week.


The reading will be followed by a musical soirée championing the power of free thought and diversity, featuring Machine Dazzle and additional surprise guests with musical direction by Ed Goldschneider.

All Project Shaw readings will be presented in a concert-reading format at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theater at Symphony Space. Tickets are $40 and will be available for purchase by calling 212-864-5400 or visiting www.symphonyspace.orgLeonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre is an accessible space. Infra-red hearing devices will also be available. 

For more information about Project Shaw and all the programs at Gingold Theatrical Group, call 212-355-7823, emaiinfo@gingoldgroup.orgor visit gingoldgroup.org.


12) Jazzing Up Lincoln Square this Summer as Lincoln Square Business Improvement District Announces

 its FREE Lunchtime Summer Concert Series, Running Longer Than Ever Through September

 A warm summer welcome is headed to Lincoln Square as the Lincoln Square Business Improvement District (BID) today announced the return and expansion of its FREE lunchtime summer concert series - Lincoln Square BID’s Summer Jazz Sensations – every Wednesday from Noon to 1:30 PM beginning on June 19, 2024 and running through September 18, 2024.  The outdoor performances will be held in Dante Park, Broadway between 63rd & 64th Streets, in the heart of the Lincoln Square neighborhood.


The expansion of the summer concert series is also a celebration of the vibrancy of the Lincoln Square neighborhood, which has seen 18 new businesses, including restaurants, open since 2023 with more to come. Several of Lincoln Square’s eateries are partnering with the BID to provide concert goers with a taste of the neighborhood. Le Botaniste will join on opening day and four other dates throughout the summer (July 10, July 31, August 21, September 11), as will Café Paradiso (July 17, July 24) to offer some light fare for nominal cost. The Lincoln Square BID hopes to announce additional restaurant partners soon.  Up to date information on participating eateries can be found on the Lincoln Square website, www.lincolnsquarebid.org.

For more information on the Lincoln Square BID, neighborhood activities, openings and offerings, please visit www.lincolnsquarebid.org




Maestra Music, a trailblazing organization dedicated to empowering women and nonbinary musicians in the theater industry, celebrates its fifth anniversary alongside the one-year anniversary of RISE Theatre Directory with a special Panel Discussion as part of New York Music Month, an initiative of the NY Mayor’s Office of Media & Entertainment, on Monday, June 24th, 2024, at 3 pm ET. This event is a partnership between the NY Mayor's Office of Media & Entertainment, Disney Theatrical, and Maestra Music with support from Kendra Scott Jewelry. Nancy Giles will moderate the panel, including Maestra Founder Composer/Lyricist Georgia Stitt, RISE Program Manager and Producer Victoria Detres, Composer Helen Park, and Producer and Stage Manager Cody Renard Richard.  Register for the FREE Livestream at https://secure.qgiv.com/for/maestramusic/event/livestreamontherise


Courtesy of Kory Aversa PR


The largest outdoor, juried arts festival in the tri-state region returns to celebrate a special milestone this year. Manayunk Development Corporation announces the 35th Anniversary of the Manayunk Arts Festival on Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23, 2024. Three hundred exhibiting artists - and thirty emerging artists - will showcase the best in fine arts and crafts from across the country. Hundreds of thousands of collectors, buyers, designers and visitors are expected to flock to historic Main Street for the outdoor, closed street summer festival.

Hours for the 35th Anniversary event will be Saturday, June 22nd from 11:00am to 7:00pm, and Sunday, June 23rd from 11:00am to 6:00pm. Outside of the art and crafts, visitors can also find food and drink vendors, merchant specials, live art demonstrations and much more.

For event info and updates, visit https://manayunk.com/events/ and follow @manayunkdotcom.



The Tank







The Tank (Meghan Finn, Artistic Director; Johnny G. Lloyd, Director of Artistic Development; Molly Fitzmaurice, Managing Producer) has announced initial programming for its annual PrideFest. Now in its 10th year, PrideFest will take place June 21-30 at The Tank (312 W 36th St, New York, NY, 10018).


PrideFest 2024 highlights work that celebrates the queer community. This year’s festival includes work that addresses a range of queer experiences, providing laughter and joy, addressing challenges as we strive for rights, representation, and justice, and dreaming up new futures. At PrideFest 2024, you’ll see art in a range of mediums including theater, comedy, puppetry, storytelling, and music by queer artists creating work for our communities and beyond. These performances shed light on the dynamic individuals and groups who make up the vibrant LGBTQIA+ community in order to help us understand where we've come from, where we are, and where we can go.


PrideFest will feature new work by artists including Regie Cabico and Drew PisarraElijah Caldwell and Kyle JohnsonJude CramerAliyah CurryTroy DefourNick EiblerKaila GalinatIsa GarciaBrendan GermainRuth GeyeEmma Goldman-ShermanJonah HarrisonMoshe HendersonLoey Jones-PerpichBen LanghorstJessica Marie LorenceAlle MimsBrandon MonokianMagpie ParkDavid Quang PhamJoe RubensteinSMJ and Jaden Tyler Urso.


This year's PrideFest has been curated by Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin and produced by Alejandra Venancio.


The Tank also announced additional Pride programing including Midnight Coleslaw’s Tales From Beyond The Closet!! by Joey Merlo and directed by Nick J. BrowneWe Had Not Ceased Desiring by Kev Berry and directed by Paul Jackson, and Prism Festival Of New Queer Musicals.


More information about PrideFest 2024 programming is below. Tickets begin at $15 and are available by visiting TheTankNYC.org/PrideFest-2024


Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR

16) Queer the Ballet

In partnership Baruch Performing Arts Center


Dream of a Common Language

inspired by lesbian writer and activist Adrienne Rich’s

1978 poetry collection

June 21-23, 2024

Queer the Ballet presents the world premiere of Dream of a Common Language from Friday, June 21 to Sunday, June 23, 2024, with performances at 7:30pm on June 21 and 22, and 2pm matinees on June 22 and 23. Performances will take place at Baruch Performing Arts Center, 55 Lexington Avenue (25th Street between Lexington and 3rd). Tickets are $40, with student tickets available for $25, and can be purchased online at https://bpac.baruch.cuny.edu/.

Dream of a Common Language is a new evening-length ballet inspired by lesbian writer and activist Adrienne Rich’s 1978 poetry collection by the same name. Directed by Adriana Pierce, founder of Queer the Ballet, the program includes choreography by Adriana Pierce, Minnie Lane, Rosie Elliott, and Lenai Alexis Wilkerson with dramaturgy by Emily DeMaioNewton. The story follows six dancers’ journeys through community, friendship, romance, and heartbreak, bringing to light the similarities between Adrienne Rich’s yearning for queer community in the 70s and queer ballet dancers’ current struggles to find each other. From mountaintops to dimly lit bars, this new ballet illuminates the struggles and joys of LGBTQ+ people through history and queer dancers today: all dreaming of a common language to connect them.


Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR

17) South Street Seaport Museum


whale fall abyss

by mayfield brooks

Free Immersive Theatrical Experience

Part of 23rd Annual River to River Festival

Wednesday, June 19–Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7pm


As part of the 23rd annual River To River Festival, the South Street Seaport Museum is partnering with the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to host artist mayfield brooks for their work entitled “whale fall abyss. Sign up today to join us for this immersive theatrical experience that will take the audience throughout the 1885 tall ship Wavertree, into the depths of maritime history, and prompt the audience to consider the nature of decomposition through the lens of whale fall.

Wavertree is the last remaining iron-hulled three-masted full-rigged cargo ship. The vessel spent most of her 24-year sailing career carrying various cargoes worldwide before being dismasted in a storm. Following this, she functioned as a floating warehouse in Chile and was repurposed as a sand barge in South America before she was thoughtfully restored by the South Street Seaport Museum. Though Wavertree was never a whaling or slave ship, brooks’s performance artfully conjures the broader maritime narrative, calling up ghosts and ancestors from the intersecting histories of whalers and slave ships.

Accompanied by electronic cellist Dorothy Carlos and performer Camilo Restrepo, brooks will expand on their 2023 performance, which also took place on Wavertree, and is a culmination of brooks’ project Whale Fall, originally commissioned by Abrons Arts Center and virtually premiered as an experimental dance film in 2021.

Advanced registration is suggested for this free event but walk-ups will be accommodated as possible. Please note that the audience will not be seated during the performance and will actively move throughout the ship. Access to Wavertree for this program involves climbing a few stairs, walking up an angled gangway, and descending a few stairs onto the deck. The lower decks are accessible via stairs, while the upper deck requires navigating steep ladder-like stairs. Doors open at 6:30pm. seaportmuseum.org/whale-fall-abyss


Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR

18) South Street Seaport Museum


Launch and Learn Sunday Sails

South Street Seaport Museum announces Launch and Learn Sunday Sails to take place every third Sunday, through September, at 4pm aboard the 1885 schooner Pioneer. Tickets range from $20–$50.

Looking for an unforgettable sailing experience that combines ecology, culture, music, architecture, and other engaging topics with breathtaking sights? Look no further than the Seaport Museum’s monthly program sails! This collection of sails enhances the Museum’s already fantastic Pioneer daytime sailing experience with an array of fascinating events.

Tickets are now on sale to immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the city as you set sail on a guided architecture or culture tour, led by knowledgeable experts who will share their insights and stories about the stunning landmarks and gems you’ll see along the way. Or, get your toes tapping with a musical experience that sets the stage for a truly unforgettable sail.

No matter which program you choose, you’ll be treated to spectacular sights that will take your breath away. From the stunning skyline and iconic landmarks to the glittering waters of the harbor, each sailing adventure is a feast for the senses.

Join the first Launch and Learn Sail of the 2024 season on Sunday, June 16, from 4–6pm for an exciting adventure that will immerse us in the ecosystem of New York Harbor! As you sail on Pioneer, you are invited to take part in the experience by hauling on ropes to raise the sails; studying the ecology of the estuary; measuring water characteristics that are critical to the ecosystem, such as salinity, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen; and examining seaweeds and other plants, as well as a variety of small organisms including plankton. You’ll also learn how to use a chart and compass to navigate.

Celebrate Father’s Day by embarking on a family adventure or come solo to broaden your own horizons. Check-in begins at 3pm. seaportmuseum.org/pioneer-program-sail


Courtesy of Michelle Tabnick PR

19) Teatro Grattacielo Celebrates 30th Anniversary

with Gala Concert:

The Rare Verismo

New York City, June 11, 2024 – Teatro Grattacielo proudly announces its 30th anniversary gala concert, celebrating our history and part of our mission: the rare Italian Verismo era. This milestone event does not only celebrate thirty years of enthralling performances and cultural revitalization, breathing new life into lesser-known operatic treasures, but also embodies Teatro Grattacielo’s commitment to fostering diversity, supporting emerging artists, building into the future and excellence in the arts. The event will showcase the exceptional talents of renowned Mexican conductor and pianist Abdiel Vázquez. He will accompany guests soprano Celeste Morales, tenor Jeremy Brauner, mezzosoprano Hana Yiu, and Camerata Bardi Vocal Academy’s young artists soprano Victoria McGrath, soprano Tiernan Chase, and bass-baritone Henry Hyunsoon Kim, who will perform the works of celebrated composers Puccini, Boito, Samaras, Leoncavallo, Wolf-Ferrari, Mascagni, bringing together esteemed guests and patron of the arts.

The free event will be held on Friday, June 21st, at the Columbus Citizen Foundation, located at 8 E 69th St, New York, NY 10021. Attendance is by invitation only due to limited venue capacity. For all our other followers, we will be broadcasting live on our Facebook page starting at 6:30 pm EST. To connect with us, visit our page: https://www.facebook.com/teatrograttacieloNYC







Two River Theater is excited to introduce Pro Series, a brand-new summer curriculum of specialized courses offered on evenings and Saturdays, for ages 14–18. Participants will hone their craft with unparalleled training from industry pros, expand their network and get the insider tips to jumpstart their theater career. 

n addition to the Pro Series, Two River’s Summer Intensives is back for a not so typical summer theater camp!

Young people (ages 12–17) who want to make theater – to be in the rehearsal room or the scene shop to brainstorm ideas - will learn tangible theater skills from top-notch teaching artists who challenge and bring out the best in them. Backstage and Onstage students work together to create a unique show each week that they perform on Friday night. Teaching Artists for Summer Intensives include Olivia M. Buonsante (Backstage Track Co-Director and experienced lighting designer, programmer, board op, and stage manager), and the aforementioned Rakesh Palisetty (Onstage Track Director), Lucas Pinner (Backstage Track Co-Director) and Elliot Roth (Onstage Track Music Director).


Summer Intensives and Pro Series are accessible to ALL aspiring theater makers. Full and partial need-based scholarships are available. For the application, visit https://tworivertheater.org/summer-intensives-scholarship-application/

Classes for the Pro Series include:

Pro Series: On-Camera For Theater Actors 

Taught By Eric William Morris

For Ages 14-18

Jul 13 /2024 or Jul 14 / 2024

This workshop offers an exciting look at the world of acting on-camera geared specifically for the young creative mind. We start every session by breaking down exactly how a camera works, and how we as actors can work best to communicate through it. We then focus on how to translate what we do onstage into the “frame of the shot.” All participants will get a chance to act on camera, watch their scenes, get feedback, and walk away with a clip of their work. The workshop focuses specifically on the differences between acting for the camera versus acting on stage…and how a few small adjustments can make a big impact.

Pro Series: Scene Study 

Taught by Rakesh Palisetty

For Ages 14-18

Jul 8 - Jul 10 / 2024 & Jul 15 - Jul 17 / 2024

This session focuses on a disciplined approach to script analysis and its truthful application moment-to-moment. We will be working with scenes from either classics or contemporary realist plays. The students will learn to deepen their interpretation of the scene, improve their understanding of character action and dynamics, as well as develop a better sense for how to collaborate with their scene partner.

Pro Series: Stage Combat

Taught by Lucas Pinner

For Ages 14-18

In the Jul 13/ 2024 Pro Series workshop, participants will be introduced to basic techniques of unarmed, hand-to-hand stage combat. Focusing on how to rehearse and perform fight sequences believably and safely, participants will learn a variety of moves such as punching, slapping, shoving, pulling hair, and falling. By the end, everyone will be able to convincingly engage in a fight, keeping the actor safe while throwing their character into danger.

In the Jul 20/ 2024 Pro Series workshop, participants will be introduced to basic techniques of armed, single sword combat. Participants will learn about the parts of a weapon and proper footwork before moving on to using a sword by attacking with cuts and defending with parries. Safety will be priority in this class, using specially-built weapons that are not sharp or pointed, so that the actors can feel comfortable learning the foundation of combat while still feeling the thrill of a staged duel.

Pro Series: Vocal Audition 

Taught By Elliot Roth

For Ages 14-18

Jul 8 – Jul 12 / 2024 & Jul 15 – Jul 19 / 2024

In this class we will find a song custom fit for YOU. We will help you with the ins and outs of auditioning; from the moment you walk in the room, how to communicate with your pianist/accompanist, vocal technique and style, story/lyrics and more! Whether you are working towards auditioning for a musical, a school program or show, college, or simply interested in gaining confidence in singing; this class is a way to brush up your skills in a fun, welcoming environment. Share your new audition song in front of an audience on Friday night!

Classes for Summer Intensives include:

Make a show in a week! Each Monday, we start with a theme, a few songs, and some platforms, materials, and lights in an empty theater. Then each Friday, we have a show – written, performed and built entirely by our students. Each week’s performance is unique as it features the specific talents of the people in the room. You won’t find another theater program like it!


Onstage and Backstage Tracks Week 1 | July 8 – July 12

Onstage and Backstage Tracks Week 2 | July 15 – July 19


Classes are Mon–Fri, 9am–4pm with shows on Friday at 8pm


For more information and registration visit, https://tworivertheater.org/intensives/#register-now


And that's the scoop. Tune in tomorrow for More Theater Monday.

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