I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, November 19, 2018

Annoying Things

Here are five things that are annoying

1) Slow Internet - It is annoying when you are trying to do something and it just starts spinning and spinning for what seems like hours because your connection is slow.

2) School - I hate school. It's boring. A ton of the things you learn are completely useless.

3) Paper Cuts - You would think that a cut from a little piece of paper would not be that bad but they are very painful.

4) Autocorrect - Autocorrect is always changing your words even when they say what you want them to say.

5)  Waiting - I hate waiting because I have absolutely no patience whatsover

Here five more things that are annoying

6) Insects - There are just so pesky and get into everything and you just can never really get rid of them

7) Animals - Even though animals can make you feel really loved, they can also make you feel really unlove when they ignore you.

8) Phones - It is so annoying that you can never get away from phones anymore. No matter where you are there is always one ringing even when there shouldn't be.

9) Family - Sometimes, they can be very supportive; other times they can drive you crazy.

4) Weather - No matter what is it is almost always too something; too wet, too cold, too hot or whatever.

And that's our view. What gets on your nerves?

Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

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