I started this blog with one daughter, kept it up with the other, to spend time together doing something we enjoyed.
However, things change and people evolve. My daughters are older, busier, and not as interested in writing.
From now on this blog will be mostly mom with occasional contributions from my daughters and maybe even my husband.
Nothing else will change. We'll still focus on sharing fun places to go, fun things to do, and more, and we would  still love to hear your views too

Monday, February 27, 2012


Me- Hats, wow! I enjoy wearing hats. I don't have very many except I have a ton of baseball caps. I don't really like hats for the winter. In fact, I don't like them at all. My mother always gets mad because I go out in the cold with nothing covering my ears. When I was young, I had this hat that was purple with colorful flowers all over it. It looked like something someone might wear if they were in the desert. I called it my waitress hat. It was my favorite hat I ever owned. However, it got too small, and, we gave it to Aurella. I am not even sure if she still has it. Now, my favorite hat is  a gray hat with a pink bow on the side and a sun visor in the front. My other favorite hat is a knit yellow and blue hat. I like to wear it low down on my head  and pin it with bobby hats. It is supposed to be a warm weather hat, but it doesn't keep my head very warm. I just like it. I have a matching yellow and blue hat that goes withit. I love that too. It is my favorite jacket. Hats are so awesome, but I don't wear them much.

Mom - I love hats. I hardly ever wear them, but I love them. I don't like winter hats. I don't even wear them. I just wear something that covers my ears. I love fancy hats. The kind of hats that somebody like Princess Diana would have worn. Not stupid looking hats like some of those people at William and Kate's wedding wore. Nice looking fancy hats that really complement an outfit. However, there are not many occasions for regular people like me to wear those kind of hats especially since I don't celebrate Easter. I usually see them on royalty and celebrities. I also like straw hats. I especially love straw hats with a ribbon hanging down the back. I have one of those that is my favorite hat ever. I got it on my honeymoon in Hawaii. I saw it, and I absolutely had to have it. However, I hardly ever have an opportunity to wear it. I guess maybe if I went to the beach more I would, but I don't. I would love to get more hats, lots and lots of hats. I don't though because the type of hats I like I don't have much occasion to wear so I end up just accumulating them. So I try not to buy them and stick to getting shoes instead because I love  shoes too but at least when I get I  wear them a lot. When I buy hats, I don't.

And that's our view. Tune in Friday for another topic.

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