Where: LGA9
2170 Lincoln Highway (Rte, 27)
Edison, NJ
(For other Amazon Fulfillment Center tour locations, go to
Who: Ages 6 and Up Only
Amazon is currently giving free tours of its fulfillment centers in numerous locations worldwide, including in the U.S, Canada, Italy, and the U.K. These extremely structured tours are free, run approximately one hour long, and must be signed up for in advance. The tours seem calculated to improve consumer attitudes toward the company because you are given a survey regarding your attitudes toward Amazon when you sign up and again after you complete the tour. They also function as a recruiting tool since the benefits of working for the company are carefully laid out. However, they don't try to paint an overly rosy picture either. They are honest about downsides, too, including the long hours, particularly during the holidays.
However, despite any ulterior motives on the part of the company for offering the tours, they are still worth taking. It is interesting to have the opportunity to learn a little bit about the huge behemoth. The inner workings are both more and less organized than you would imagine. It's also nice to have an opportunity to ask questions about the company and how it works.
While on the tour, you may see some of Amazon's robots at work. The type of robots on site varies depending on where you are because they do not have the same robots at all locations. Still, the robots are one of the highlights of this fascinating inside look at a company we all love and hate.
And that's our view. For more about Amazon Fulfillment Center Tours or to sign up for a tour near you, visit www.amazontours.com/na/onsite. If there is not a tour available near you or you would prefer a virtual tour go to events.amazontours.com/na/virtual
Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.
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