

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Radio Technology Museum at Info Age Science and History Museums

Radio Technology Museum at Info Age Science and History Museums

Where: 2201 Marconi Rd. 
            Wall, NJ 

Who: All ages

The Radio Technology Museum is one of the best parts of a visit to Info Age Science and History Museums. Here you can learn everything about television, radio and much more. You can learn how to dial a rotary phone or see yourself on a TV monitor, or do a lot of other fun things. There is even a whole hands-on laboratory.

Objects on display at this museum include numerous models of radios, television sets, and telephones including a payphone as well as a jukebox, a model of the RCA dog, and much more. The National Broadcasters Hall of Fame exhibit includes pictures of such luminaries as Edgar Bergen, Bob Hope, and Edward R. Murrow. 

The Radio Technology Museum is hosted by the New Jersey Radio Technology Club, and you can lot from the extremely knowledgable volunteers manning the exhibit. Like the rest of Info Ages museums and exhibits, the Radio Technology Museum is open from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM  Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. The fee is $10 for ages 13+ and $5 for ages 12 and under. The admission fee also includes entry to any of the other museums and exhibits on the Info Age campus.

For more  about Info Age, see our previous post Where-To-Go Wednesday - Info Age Science and History Museums or visit

Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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