

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Theater Thursday - Housewives of Secaucus: What A Drag!

We were given complimentary tickets to Housewives of Secaucus: What A Drag! for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own 

What: Housewives of Secaucus: What A Drag! 

Where: The Actor's Temple Theatre 
              339 W. 47th St. 
              New York, NY 

Who: Ages 13 and Up Due to Language and Subject Matter 

It is hard to believe that a spoof of the ridiculously popular Real Housewives franchise is necessary since the whole thing is kind of a farce itself. Would anybody really watch these shows if they struggled with and fought over things that most of us actually deal with on a day-to-day basis like working at a monotonous underpaying job just to pay the bills and/or whose kid got more playing time on the soccer field?  However, The Housewives of Secaucus: What A Drag! actually succeeds at being even funnier than the original shows. Although the storyline is not necessarily the most exciting, it is still a very entertaining show. The performers are terrific. The choreography to the lip-synced score is especially hilarious and probably the highlight of the show. All in all, the show is a fun way for a much-anticipated return to live theater.

And that's our view. Tune in Sunday for this week's Sunday Scoop.

Photo credits: All Housewives of Secaucus: What A Drag! photos by Tommy Bracco

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