

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Where-To-Go Wednesday - Plimoth Patuxet

We were given complimentary tickets to Plimoth Patuxet for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are own. 

What: Plimoth Pautext 

Where: 137 Warren Ave. 
             Plymouth, MA 

Who: All ages

When: Spring Through Fall (The 2022 Season will end on 11/27/22)

Plimoth Patuxet is an extremely informative and fun place to visit. It brings history alive. Here you will find replicas of a 17th Century English village and a native American homesite as well as a museum and a craft center. 

In the village, you can walk around and visit various houses and buildings including a replica of a fort complete with cannons and a children's discovery center where children can dress up, pretend to serve a meal, and play games among other things.  Throughout the village are people portraying pilgrims. They are dressed in appropriate period garb and talk as if they are actually from that era. Some demonstrate various crafts like printing. They are tremendous actors who do not break character at all. They can answer any questions you have about life during that time in a village like theirs as if they are really living it.

At the native American homesite, you will also find several buildings as well but they are very different from the ones in the English village. There is also a canoe made out of bark and more. Here you will find actual modern-day indigenous people who can answer any questions you might have. 

In the craft center, you can learn about various crafts of the 17th century. They include pottery and herbal remedies. You may even see skilled craftsmen creating replicas of historic crafts. Outside the center, there is a  Humoral Garden with sections for each of the four humors that was thought to make up the human body. Each food was thought to have qualities like one of the different humors so to stay healthy you had to keep your humors balanced. 

Since you can't actually travel back to pilgrim times in a time machine, this place is the next best thing. If you really want to immerse yourself in that time period in an entertaining way, you will definitely want to visit.  It is a fun place to go for all ages.

And that's our view. For more about Plimoth Patuxet, visit

Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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