

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Museum of Ice Cream

What: Museum of Ice Cream

Where: 558 Broadway
             New York, NY

Who: All ages

Me - The Museum of Ice Cream was very different than I expected. I thought it would be more informative. Although there was one exhibit that provided fascinating information about ice cream, the rest of the museum was more like a giant playground. My favorite part was the free ice cream they gave out. I didn't expect that they would actually provide free ice cream at the museum, but I was pleasantly surprised. When you went in, they gave out pink vanilla ice cream cones. They were tiny but good. Later, they gave out tiny cups of cookies and cream. That was the best! However, that's just because I don't like cones and I prefer cookies and cream to vanilla. All of the ice creams tasted good, however. They also gave out some kind of pastry and taffy.  I didn't like the pastry. The taffy was good. All in all, the Museum of Ice Cream is worth a visit.

Mom - The Museum of Ice Cream is not like any other museum you've ever visited and not just because it's completely devoted to one of everybody's favorite foods. It is not so much a place you can go to learn about ice cream. You can learn a little bit about ice cream there. However, it's mostly like a giant ice cream playground. There's a giant slide, and a colorful sprinkle pool to play in, and more and those things are not even part of the actual playground located on the premises which includes a swing set, monkey bars, and basketball hoops shaped like cones among other things. There are also a lot of fun quirky exhibits like gigantic ice cream scoop sculptures built into the wall, a rainbow-colored tunnel, and more.

Of course, one of the highlights if not the highlight of the whole experience, is the free ice cream and other food offered to sample. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to indulge in and enjoy one ice cream cone, one cup of ice cream, one pastry, and one piece of taffy. They are all small but mostly delicious. If you have a hankering for more ice cream or different flavors, you can also purchase ice cream at the cafe/gift shop located at the entrance to the museum. 

In short, the Museum of Ice Cream is the antithesis of a stuffy overly intellectual museum. It's more of a chill place to go to relax and unwind and have fun. It's a family-friendly Funland for everyone.

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.


  1. What a great place to visit. My daughter would love to go there!

    1. It was a lot of fun! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
