

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Tips for Tuesday - Books: Moonlight and the Pearler's Daughter & Movies: Eraser:Reborn

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Books: Moonlight and the Pearler's Daughter

Today we are talking about Moonlight and the Pearler's Daughter by Lizzie Pook. This historical book is set in the 1860s in Western Australia. Eliza's father makes his living as a pearler, locating and selling pearls. When his boat returns without him in it, the general consensus in the town is that he has been murdered but Eliza doesn't believe it. She stubbornly sets out to find out what really happened no matter who tries to stop her or what obstacles get in her way. f you are looking for a treatise on pearling, you can certainly find that here. There is definitely a lot of historical information about the subject sprinkled throughout this book. If you are looking for an interesting mystery, this one starts off rather slowly, gets interesting towards the end, and the conclusion is a mixed bag.   Part of the conclusion doesn't seem to make sense although there is another part that is shocking and surprising enough to keep things interesting. If you are looking for romance, there is a little bit of that in this book as well but the romantic resolution of the story is not satisfying for any serious romance fan nor is there enough of it in general to satisfy any true romance fan. Accordingly, unless you are looking to learn more about the history and the subject of pearls, this book is just okay.

Today we are talking about Eraser Reborn. This film is a sequel to the 1996 Arnold Schwarzenegger film of the same name. However, it is one of those sequels that bears very little resemblance to its original film. The basic gist of the film which involves faking the death of high-profile witnesses to protect them before they give their testimony is the same as in the first film. However, none of the characters or the actors are the same.

The original film was full of high-profile stars. In addition to Schwarzenegger, it also starred Vanessa Williams, and James Caan among others. This film doesn't have any well-known stars. It also seems like it has less of a plot and is mostly just an excuse for a lot of action scenes and plenty of gore. However, if you like that sort of thing, you'll love it.

Of course, I'm sure there was plenty of action and gore in the original film  However. after 25 years just enough of it sticks in mind to remind us what a pale imitation of the original, this new film is. It would be a lot more interesting if they concentrated more on writing things that there are new rather than constantly making sequels, especially to movies that are this old. Films like this are strictly for those who only care about how much action is in a film. If that describes you, see below for more information.

Eraser: Reborn is available Digitally, on Blu-ray, and on DVD today. It is also available on Movies Anywhere. It will be available for streaming on HBO Mx in the Fall of 2022

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

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