

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Giveaway: Win a copy of Playing Back the 80's in the Don't Forget Picture Day Giveaway Hop!

Welcome to the Don't Forget Picture Day Giveaway Hop hosted by MamatheFox

It is funny how we forget so many things, but we always seem to remember songs. Some songs remind us of a particular time in our lives or a particular moment in history. The words to others come flooding  back the minute we hear them again even if we hadn't even heard them for years. In his book, Playing Back the 80s, Jim Beviglia relives a whole decades worth of songs. He delves deeply into a collection of popular songs from the decade by speaking to people involved in the creations of the songs to find out how and why they came to be created. Whether you grew up in the 80s. you just love the songs of that decade, or you are just interested in finding out about the inspiration for popular songs, you will enjoy this nostalgic book. For more about the book, see our previous post  Tips for Tuesday - Books: Playing Back the 80s. Enter to win a copy below:

Giveaway Dates 9/1 - 9/15

Giveaway Open to Ages 18+ US

Once you entered our giveaway, hop around to the other blogs listed below to see what other great prizes you can enter to win. 

Disclaimer: Host and participating blogger are not responsible for sponsors and self-sponsoring bloggers who do not fulfill prize obligations.