

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Giveaway: Win a copy of Now That's Funny in the Worth Melting For Giveaway Hop!

Welcome to the Worth Melting For Giveaway Hop hosted by MamatheFox

TV Sitcoms provide plenty of laughs and laughs are something that we all can use. Now That's Funny by Peter Desberg and Jeffrey Davis is a book about what it takes to write a successful sitcom. The authors talked to a vast group of writers who are responsible for creating and writing some of the greatest sitcoms of all time. However, instead of just asking them basic questions about their writing process and how they come up with their ideas, they presented each writer or set of writers with a premise for a TV series and asked the writers to come up with ideas for how they would turn that premise into a series. This provides a much more unique and interesting way into the minds of these writers, and it is a much more fun way to learn about their writing processes than just being told how they come up with their ideas. For more about this fascinating book, see our previous post Tips for Tuesday: Books: Now That's Funny. Enter to win a copy of your own below:

Once you have entered our giveaway, hop around to the other blogs listed below to see what other great prizes you can enter to win.

Disclaimer: Host and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors and self-sponsoring bloggers who do not fulfill prize obligations.


  1. Some of the memes on Facebook are too funny. It's nice to share a laugh with friends & even strangers. Stay safe everyone!

    1. Yes, my daughter spends a lot of time looking at Instagram posts. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.

  2. My former neighbor from another state just called on the phone, she would always make us laugh and sure enough we were laughing, loved hearing from her.

    1. It's especially good to hear from people we haven't heard from in a while now. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment. Stay well!

  3. MY family and my doggy! Also, reading my Bible.


  4. What keeps us smiling is my son and daughter in law bring by our 2 grandsons. They stand on the driveway and we stay in the garage. It means the world to us. Can't wait until we can hug them all again! Stay safe everyone!

    1. That's great that you still get to see them. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  5. I had a former neighbor call on the phone, she was always good at making me laugh also another friend called and we laughed about funny times that we had together.

    1. Now is a great time to catch up with people you haven't spoken to a while. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.

  6. My dog makes me happy and keeps me going!

    1. Pets are gteat! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.

  7. Spending time with family! We have been playing cards after dinner most nights and it leads to lots of laughs!

    1. I have been spending time with family too. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment. Stay well.

  8. My kids are home from school and online learning. I laugh at how much I've forgotten from school, haha, it's sad but funny.

    1. My kids are too but they are in Middle School and High School and highly self-motivated so I don't have to get that involved in their learning. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.
