

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Giveaway: Win a copy of Now That's Funny in the Something to Marble At Giveaway Hop!

Welcome to the Something to Marble At Giveaway Hop hosted by MamatheFox

Somebody once said that comedy is hard so its amazing that great comedy writers can keep coming up with such amusing and entertaining episodes of TV shows week after week. If you want to get some insight into how they do it, you'll definitely want to read Now That's Funny by Peter Desberg and Jeffrey Davis. This books captures the writing processes of a number of famous comedy writers and comedy writing teams. Between them, these writers have been responsible for a plethora of entertaining television throughout the years. If you want to find out how out more about how some of the greatest comedy writers of all time work, you will definitely want to read this book. For more information, see our previous post Tips for Tuesday - Books: Now That's Funny. Enter to win a comedy of this enlightening book below:

Giveaway Dates 4/15 - 4/30

Giveaway Open to Ages 18+ US

ARV: $17.95

Once you have entered our giveaway, hop around to the other blogs listed below to see what other great prizes you can enter to win.

Disclaimer: Host and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors and self-sponsoring bloggers who do not fulfill prize obligations.


  1. How I met your mother! I love the cast, so funny!


    1. We love that show too! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.

  2. I like the old shows like I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show.

    1. I Love Lucy is great! Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.
