

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Where-To-Go Wednesday - National September 11 Museum amd Memorial

What: National September 11 Museum and Memorial

Where: 180 Greenwich St.
             New York, NY

Who: Teens and Up

Me -  Although I was not alive on 9/11 a lot of people in my area were greatly affected by it. When I went to the National September 11 Museum and Memorial  I didn't really know how to feel about it. It is hard to get to my head around the fact that something like that could happen especially not having lived through it myself. However, it is so important to have a museum like this so people can  learn about one of the the days that changed America forever. It was kind of hard to take in everything at once. There was so much video footage and news footage. It was overwhelming. We learn about this stuff every year, but seeing it all at once was a lot to take in. Being there made it much more real.  My favorite part was the area around the the twin memorial pools where the name of every person who died in the attack is inscribed in bronze. It was really touching seeing all the names. Some of  names had roses pressed into them. It was nice that the memorial was built in such a  way that allowed people to honor their loved ones like that. People who are young like me and didn't' live through 9/11 should definitely see this museum. It so important that we have this museum so we always remember what happened and the people whose lives were lost.*

*The above post is a guest post by older sister, Melia

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

photo credit: 
Photo credit 1:Photographing Travis National September 11 Memorial & Museum via photopin (license)
photo credit 2: Janne Räkköläinen We will never forget via photopin (license)

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