

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Big Apple Circus

We were given free tickets to The Big Apple Circus for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

What: The Big Apple Circus

Where: Damrosch Park
             175 W. 62nd St.

Who: All ages

When: Through January 27, 2018


Me - I really liked the Big Apple Circus this year. The whole show was very exciting  I have seen it a few times in previous years and always enjoyed it. I like that the Big Apple Circus is in a small tent instead of  a big arena. It puts you closer to the action and makes you feel more a part of the show. Also, there is not a bad seat in the house because none are too far away. A bunch of the acts in this year's show were ones I had seen before and a bunch weren't. For the second year in a row, they had a new ringmaster. This one was female. She was good. They didn't really have clowns. They just had two guys who did comedy acts between other acts. I liked them better. Clowns get on my nerves. The new guys were funnier than clowns. I don't think clowns are that funny. My favorite act  this year was the dog act. They have actually been a part of The Big Apple Circus every time I have seen it. Every time, they are just as good though.  They are so amusing and cute. I love dogs!  They also have a horse act with the same trainer. The horses were pretty, but they didn't do much. They did more just standing around or walking around  in circles. The dogs did more tricks and stuff. All in all, the 2018 version of The Big Apple Circus was a ton of funny, and I would highly recommend going.


Mom - The Big Apple Circus is back in town and while it is not necessarily better than ever, as it would be hard to top last year's line up which included the world famous Wallendas, it is still worth seeing. This year's line up is  almost completely different but still full of exciting acts including some that you probably have never seen before, such as, a man performing on a ladder (which is a whole lot more interesting than it sounds) and a horizontal juggling act. There also amazing trapeze artists, an incredible wall trampoline act and more. There is even a woman ringmaster. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to do much. She does not open the show. She does not even introduce all of the acts although she does introduce some of them. There are no clowns per se but there are a couple of guys who do comedic skits between acts. Sometimes they are funnier than other times. This may not be the greatest show on earth, but it is still extremely entertaining and will definitely put a smile on your face. Besides, it is a lot better than other circuses we have seen recently that seem to exist solely for merchandising purposes. We actually saw one circus recently where the intermission was almost as long as the show and both before the show and during intermission they sold animal rides, face painting and various other things to the crowd on the big top floor. It is not that there is no merchandising at The Big Apple Circus. Of course, there is plenty of food and other items available for sale. However, the emphasize is where it should be on putting on an entertaining show, and they do a great job of it.

For more information, to purchase tickets and/or to find out when and where else The Big Apple Circus may be appearing visit

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.


  1. I have always loved the circus! Lots of fun for all ages. Thanks for the review, I hope they make it to my area soon.

    1. Yes, circuses sure are a ot of fun. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and your comment.

  2. It looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could take my grandkids but I live in South Carolina.

    1. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for visiting Says Me Says Mom and for your comment.
