

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tips for Tuesday: Books: Night of Miracles, Movies: Everbody's Talking About Jaime, Misc: Wohome Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

We may have been given one or more of the products lised below for review purposes.This post  may also contain affilate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we will be compensated. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Books: Night of the Miracles by Elizabeth Berg

Mom's  view- Night of Miracles by Elizabeth Berg, a book about a small town and its inhabitants, is the perfect antidote to the divisive world we live in today. The people in Mason, Missouri care about each other, help each other and are there for one another. We would all be a lot better off if the whole world was like the fictional town of Mason. If you need to get a way from the real world and escape into  the world of a book for a while, this one is a great choice.

Movies: Everbody's Talking About Jaime

Mom's view  - Everybody's Talking About Jaime is  hit musical about a boy who wants to be  drag queen currently playing in London. The show was filmed live,  and has already been shown in Regal movie theaters all over on at least two previous dates. It will be in movie theaters at least one more time tomorrow, Wednesday November 14, 2018, and you won't want to miss it. It is a beautiful well acted story both about being one's true self and about acceptance of others the way they are. It is full of memorable songs that you will actually want to listen to again. There are fun effervescent upbeat numbers like the opening number And You Don't Even Know It and the title number. There are beautiful hearfelt meaningful ballads like If I Met Myself Again and It Means Beautiful. There truly is not a bad song in the bunch. All in all, this is definitely a show worth seeing so if you can't get to London to see it live, you are definitely going to want to try to make it to the movie theater to see it tomorrow.

For more about Everybody's Talking About Jaime or to find out where it will be playing near you, visit

Misc: Wohome Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

Mom's view: Wohome Active Noise Cancelling Headphones are easy to use and work great at eliminating noise. You can use them with any blue tooth device or with a device's own headphone by using the auxiliary cable included with the headphones. Although they do not eliminate all noises, they do eliminate a lot of  noises including those related to commuting on an interstate bus even if you are sitting in the noisest part of the bus. They definitely make life a lot more peaceful.

And that's Mom's view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.

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