

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tips for Tuesday - Misc. Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead and DishFish

We may have been given some of the below mentioned products free for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.

Me - Today I am recommending Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead. Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead is something you can use to grill things on the stove. It is really easy to use. You can make grilled cheese, you can make bagel sandwiches, you can make pizza on a pita and you can make lots of other things. They come out really good. You have to be careful about the heat though because if there is too much heat they will burn. The sandwiches and things that you make with a Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead taste really good as long as you do watch the heat and don't let them burn. They even have grill marker as if you grilled them. I like that. It makes them look professional. The Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead is very useful.

Mom - Today I am recommending two products.
First of I am also recommending the Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead. The Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead is a sandwich maker. It makes preparing sandwiches faster and easier. You just prepare your sandwich, lock it in the Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead, cook for a few minutes on each side, and you will have a delicious meal in minutes. They are  also lightweight and work easily on any stove. They are non-stick and easy to clean. Just remember to always pay attention and flip promptly so one side doesn't burn. Also, make sure the heat is not too high. If you are making more than one sandwich in a row, you may even want to progressively lower the heat to prevent burning because as you go along the heat gets hotter and if you don't lower the heat sandwiches you make later may burn even if the first one didn't. The Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead is a great product to have and an easy product to use. I would highly recommend it.

For more about the Red Copper Flipwich from BulbHead or to order one visit

First I recommended a product for cooking. For my second product today, I am recommending a product for cleaning, DishFish. DishFish is a better sponge/scrubber. It is easier to use than a traditional sponge. It is ergonomically shaped instead of being rectangular so it is easier to hold. It is flexible and fits in to tight spaces. It is also better than traditional sponges. The dirt doesn't cling to it so it doesn't end up smelling or spreading dirt or bacteria instead of cleaning. It is also super soft so it doesn't scratch sensitive surfaces. DishFish makes cleaning dishes and messes faster, easier and better.

For more about DishFish or to find out where to buy one visit

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Where-To-Go Wednesday.


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