

Monday, August 14, 2017

10 Reasons to See RagTag Theatre's Cinderella Now!

We were given tickets to RagTag Theater's Cinderella for free for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are own.

Me &Mom

Here are 10 reasons to see RagTag Theatre's Cinderella:

1)  It's hilariously funny!

2) It's not like any other version of Cinderella you've ever seen.

3) It's the same Cinderella everyone knows and loves only better.

4) It's a very modernized version of the story of Cinderella.

5) The costumes, props, and sound effects are all great.

6) It teaches a message of how we are all unique and we should celebrate our uniqueness.

7) It's interactive at some points so little kids would really enjoy it, and they might even get to go on stage.

8) It's fun for adults too because it has a lot of references that kids might not get but which will be nostalgic for adults.

9) The theater has raised seating so it is easy to see from any seat.

10) It's a limited run so if you don't see it now who knows when and if you will ever get the chance to see it.

For our previous posts on an earlier version of this show go to Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Commedia Cinderella and The Commedia Cinderella.

Ragtag Theatre's Cinderella is currently playing at the McGinn/Cazale Theatre locate at 2162 Broadway, New York, NY. Peformances are Saturday at 2:30 PM through August 27, 2017.
Tune in tomorrow for Tips for Tuesday.

Photo credits: All Cinderella production photos supplied by RagTag Theatre

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