

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Where-To-Go Wednesday - The Jewish Museum and The Museum of the American Indian

We were given free tickets to the Jewish Museum for review purposes. Any and all opinions expressed here are our own.
What: Jewish Museum

Where: 1109 5th Ave.
             New York, NY

Who: All ages
Me - The Jewish Museum was interesting. There was an exhibit that was a Bear Mitzvah. There were a bunch of teddy bears. There were some other stuffed animals too. There were even bears hanging from the ceiling, and there were some in a boat and some in a suitcase hanging off a wall. There were a ton hanging off another world too. It was called A Bear Mitzvah in Meshugahland. There were a lot more stuffed animals than I though there were going to be. However, the room was not as crowded as you would think, there was plenty of room to walk around. There was also an art exhibit. There was a picture with people and flowers that was really pretty. There were also pictures that looked like they were popping out, and it was really cool! There were pictures of fireworks that were really cool and pretty too. There was a painted bouquet of flowers. It was nice. All in all, the art exhibit was lovely to look at. It had a lot of nice colors. On the whole, the Jewish Museum was fun to visit, and I would recommend stopping by if you have a chance.
Mom - Although parts of the Jewish Museum are currently closed while they reinstall their galleries, there are still things to see at the museum including several exhibits which would appeal to children. There is an exhibit called Charlemagne Palestine's Bear Mitzvah in Meshugahland. This is an exhibit full of stuffed animals. There are stuffed animal hanging from the ceiling. There are stuffed animals hanging on a wall There are stuffed animals that look like they are sitting in an ark and more. There is even a bear dressed up like a Bar Mitzvah boy in a yarmulke and tallis and holding a Torah. There are other stuffed animals that also each have a tallis. The stuffed animals are all really old looking and some of them are bit creepy and don't have eyes. There are stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes including some that are life size. There is also an exhibit of the work of Florine Stettheimer. Ms. Stettheimer worked in both painting and pottery and her artwork is really colorful and pretty. There is a gallery guide for children available for this exhibit which provide activities for children to participate in while visiting the exhibit to make it more interesting for them. There are also one or two other exhibits currently open that we did not have a chance to visit on our trip to the museum. Charlemagne's Palestine Bear Mitzvah in Meshugahland exhibit will run through August 6, 2017. The Florine Stettheimer exhibit will run through September 24, 2017.
For more information visit
What: The National Museum of the American Indian

Where: New York City
             One Bowling Green
            New York, New York

Who: All ages
Me- The National Museum of the American Indian in New York City was interesting. There were different exhibits. One of them was called Native Fashion Now.  I liked it because it was all fashion. It reminded me of the Museum at FIT because they always have fashion exhibits. It was not an exhibit of traditional Indian clothes. It was more current clothes. There was a really pretty dress with purple and orange and some other colors. They had some really cool boots with a picture of a bird. I don't think I would wear something like that though.  Another section was called Infinity of Nations. There was a drum with red  and blue paint on it. There was a little canoe. There was lots of pottery. There was a vase that looked like a squirrel. There was another piece of pottery that was white with blue. The pottery was pretty. There was a toy train. There were a lot of other things to. All in all, it was fun to visit.
Mom - There are two National Museums of the American Indian. One is located in Washington DC. The other is located in New York City. The New York Museum is located within the historic Alexander Hamilton Customs House. The museum contains quite a large collection of Indian artifacts from all North American Indian tribes. It is arranged by geographic location making it easier to find what you are looking for if you interested in Native American tribes from a particular location. The exhibit includes toys, clothing, instruments, weapons and much more. There is also a whole large collection of pottery. In addition to the permanent collection, there are a changing exhibits. If you are not interested in ancient artifacts, but you prefer to view things that are more current, there is presently an exhibit of modern Indian fashion at the museum. This exhibit will be on display through September 4, 2017. While there are quite a lot of objects on display at the museum, the whole museum is not very big so unless you look carefully at every single item, it should not take very long to go through. While younger children might not enjoy the whole museum, they might enjoy looking at some of the colorful clothes and toys and things. It also a good museum for small children and people who cannot walk around for long periods of time because there is an area with benches in the center of the museum where you can sit down and rest for a while if you need to, It may be difficult for people who have trouble walking up steps, however because there are steps to get up into the museum. A visit to the museum is completely free so if you go and only stay for a short amount of time or if you go and have to go back again another day, you are not wasting any money.

For more information visit

And that's our view. Tune in tomorrow for Theater Thursday.

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